Part 3: Change

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Many years had gone by as Galaxy had reformed his land. It was much more green and life had seemly to return in full force to the planet. His days spent farming, exploring, and hunting. He expanded his cottage to house more people. If more people ever came, and he was right. He befriended and became part of a wild wolf pack. The radiation made the wild wolves more human-like. Able to stand up on their now extended long legs and talk to the best of their ability. They stayed at the other houses in the winter when food became scarce. He didn't feel as lonely after this. Since after the majority left, a few wolves would always stay behind. He improved his magical ability and physical strength. Galaxy seemly did not age and the wound on his thigh remained. He had become desensitized to the pain, which allowed him to push past other pain in his later years. His old life felt like dreams, almost distant. However, it would all change soon.

It was any other normal night in the autumn season. Galaxy had gone to the other houses and made sure there was a heat source going all night to keep whatever wolf inside warm. He only had to do this to 5 other homes. The ginger returned to his own just before the sun had set. He quickly cooked himself a piece of boar meat, seasoned it to perfection, and enjoyed his dinner. He retired to his bedroom once the sun had fully set and closed his eyes, ready to start another day tomorrow. That's when she returned. Demi teleported to the planet. She was back in her normal form. Orange fox ears, green pupils, and normal sclerae. Her iron chest plate appeared much shinier than her previous and her iron leggings were now replaced by mysterious metal from the fight. The goddess walked through the village, seeing how much had changed over the years. She had reached Galaxy's cabin to find him dead asleep. She looked at him before touching him to attempt to wake him up. The man would not awake. She did not want to be violent with him as it could cause panic. So she waited until dawn. When the bearded man had awoken, He seemed to not see Demi in the darkness of his room. She let him go through his morning routine as she sat at his table waiting for him. Finally, he came, and the two locked eyes. She saw the same amount of fear in his eyes as the night of his banishment.

"Good to see that you are doing well," she chimed.

"Why are you back? Is my time here over? Do other clans want me dead?"
He asked, his voice panicked.

"No. Calm down. I'm just in to check in."
She had lied, and he knew it.

"Tell me why you are really here."

"I was here because your time had come to an end. Your former clan no longer wanted to have you alive and sent me after."
His heart sunk. He forgot all about them. The flames? Firey Rebels! And the potatoes something... powered potatoes. "But I'm not going to murder you. You seemed to do the one thing your father could not."

"Which is?"
The ginger man seemed confused and became intrigued. "Change. For the better and care for others. And that is all I could even ask of you. Which is why I am offering you a deal. A chance back to the life you once had. But it seems you do not want that back." He sat for a moment and thought about what he was going to say.

"I do not want to move, but it gets lonely from time to time when the wolves leave in the fall. And only a few stays. Maybe I don't know some outcasts can come and stay here?"
His response made Demi silent. Without realizing it, he gave an answer Demi wasn't expecting. He had come full circle from slaughtering the outcasts and banished to trying to find a home for them. Demi had agreed and before long, she was gone. The day after Galaxy awoke to his thigh wound seemly disappearing and more people in his village. He did his typical routine and was about to head out when he saw something that wasn't there before. A wooden box with the words "gift" carved into it. He had opened it to see the black chest plate from the night. It was not clearly the same, but it was meant for him. He stood confused as to why it was left before putting it on. He could find out later. First, he had to take care of his new people. And as the sun fully came up, he was gone. Doing what he did best. Farming, exploring, and hunting.

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