Part 4: Revenge

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The wall of fire rose as the battle continued.

"Sir, I can't hold them anymore. We should retreat!" The girl held onto the wall, attempting to keep control of the only thing that kept away the combined Rebels and Trolls force. She had to get her commander's approval or the other troops would execute her on-site for leaving her battle position. But Galaxy was not there. He already had left to follow Demi to get his revenge. "Sir?" Before she could turn around. She got an arrow in her left eye. The wall of flames had fallen, and she could not focus on keeping the wall up. Before she knew what was going on, a Troll warrior tackled her and she hit the ground. Falling unconscious as blood soaked her long black hair. All she heard was her name being repeated to her.

"Sodan. SODAN!" the veteran woke up and grabbed her eye patch to put it on. She put on a shirt, leather pants, and a cloth jacket. She came out to see the 8-year-old messenger calling her name.

"The hell you want, pipsqueak?"
Her tone was much harsher than it was then. After she was abandoned by Galaxy almost 8 years ago, she survived civil wars, warfare, and torture. The kind-hearted version of her was as gone as her eye.

"Watch your fu-CK-ing mouth!"
Sodan rolled her eyes as the pipsqueak's voice squeaked and cracked. "The emperor has a mission for you. The horse is already there." She looked to see a horse in the stalls. The kid tapped her, gesturing for a tip.

"Fuck off."
She hissed at him before opening the stall and leading the horse out. She slowly pets its lush mane as she gave it a ripe apple. After a while, she mounted the horse and rode it to the emperor's castle, in the capital of the planet. When she arrived, someone came to collect her horse. She gave it goodbye with another pat and then headed inside. She headed into the castle, where she suddenly bowed her head as her emperor came in. Not out of respect, but out of habit.

"Sodan, you do not have to bow. Your honor, here is enough"
What a load of bullshit. Emperor Daffy always hated her since she was living proof he was a failure. He was a coward in the wars and murdered the previous well-liked emperor Vite. Sodan was the only one who knew of the assassination. "I have a mission for you, as the child had told you."

"What is it?"
She scowled. This meant nothing good for her either way.

"To murder him. You know who."
She did, "but if you fail, don't plan on coming back." This caused her to stop. It was a suicide mission. He was just trying to get rid of a loose end. With a grin on his face, he knew she figured it out. "You either come back the hero or die the unknown veteran. Understood?" He put his hand on her shoulders as he looked down at her.

"Understood, sir!"

"Good. A spaceship with supplies is being prepared. I do believe you have already been planning for this day. Good luck." She walked off, wishing she could had murdered him right where he had stood.

She sat on the spaceship she was given. The ride to this nuclear wasteland was long and tiresome. However, for a nuked planet, she could barely tell that it at one point was bombed with atomic weapons. She had gotten all the information she needed on Galaxy's routine. Galaxy came out to hunt the nearby elk population towards the start of sunrise. It gave Sodan enough time to prepare for an ambush. This had been the day she was waiting for, for over 8 years. Today was the day. She had camouflaged her outfit and wore a black cloak with leather armor meant to help fit into the wild. A black fox mask was to hide her identity in case he remembered her, if he did. She headed out of her spaceship early. She had her bow and sword. She did not need arrows, as she could make some appearance with her spells. While being out of combat, she took up on her studies. Her magical abilities had exceeded most, however, her physical ability could have been better. But it was too late now to improve. She spent the next hour building traps and waiting. She had decided to get into a tree to get to higher ground. She climbed to a spot where the sun would directly hit her. It was not long before she dozed off. The veteran did not get any sleep on the long ride to the planet. Accidentally, falling asleep is the best thing to happen to her, as she needed to be well rested for the battle upcoming.

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