Chapter 1: A Normal Morning In Wangshu Inn (with Paimon and Yianxiao)

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It was almost morning in the soon to be bustling with life Liyue Harbor.

The sun was slowly making its way up to the sky from the depths of the ocean, followed by a wonderful pallette of colours, just like every other morning.

Of course, every businessman had to be more organized and wake up way before the first sun rays appeared, because if you want your business to be successful, you can't expect everything to come in place on its own. Or as our favourite librarian from Mondstadt likes to say "No pain, no gain.".

However, that's not where the story begins.

Let's head towards the north, not very far away from the harbour. That's where the infamous Wangshu Inn lies, which most people make a stop at before they continue their journey towards the harbour or towards the opposite way.

"Ah. Oh! Something smells really good. I wonder what Yianxiao has cooked for today."

The tiny figure got up from the bed she was previously sleeping in and dreaming of precious chests and delicious edibles, only for her to head to the temple of the goodies from her dreams; the kitchen!

"Mmm! Good morning Yianxiao! What's that wonderful smell? Are you cooking something new?"

"A! Paimon, it's you. Good morning. Well, you are right indeed. I am trying out a new recipe of mine. You see, I can't always serve the customers with the same dishes. I'm supposed to have made beforehand a variety of them in order to satisfy everyone's preferences in food."

"Wow Yianxiao! It seems that you have developed a business mind ever since the last time we were here."

"Ehm...thank you? It isn't my idea. The boss has such demands from everyone working here, since we're getting some visitors soon enough."


"I think he called them V.I.P."

"Oooo! Very Important People!"

"So, that's what it means. Well, I don't know who they are, but they booked some of our best rooms. I heard they even gave double the amount of mora needed for those rooms. I guess that's why the boss is that interested in impressing them."

"Double the amount of mora needed?! Wow! These guys must be super rich if they just throw their money around like this. Wait! Are you sure it isn't the Fatui?! You know how rich they are, especially the Harbingers!"

"Boss didn't mention anything specific about them. That's all I know. Anyway, the dish is almost ready. I guess I'm very lucky you are here. I know how you love food and how you are always welcome in my kitchen, since you've helped me a lot, so, if you don't mind helping me one more time, could you tell me your opinion on this one as well?"

Paimon's eyes shone brightly at the chef's words.

"That's what I was waiting for you to say. Of course I'll help you!"

"Ok then, here you go!"

Hi, everyone!!!

I hope you enjoy reading the story so far. The uploads will be kind of slow, so I apologise in advance for the wait and, of course, thank you for your patience.

Have a nice day!!!😊

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