part 1

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Ruby standing in the middle of the ring with max mac and the judgement day and ruby waits for them to start talking then interrupts them and challenges them to a 3 vs 3 elimination match Rhea Dominik and Finn vs Ruby Mac and Max next week for a 3 tag team belt and there light blue and the shield 2.0 are the current holders and wanna show the judgement day who really is the face of Raw and Finn accepted the match for the judgement day and Ruby says see you guys next week guys blowing them a kiss part of her own gimic and they leave and then go back to there locker room an changes into her own wrestling gear and goes to her solo match winning the match against Mandy Rose and go back to the group telling them they won the match and they celebrate Ruby winning the match and they go out later and party with each other together and then the following week they have there 3 vs 3 tag elimination match Ruby and Rhea start the match and Ruby and Rhea are fighting and Rhea tags Dominik Ruby tags Mac and Mac attacks Dominik and Dominik starts crying out for help and Damien kicks Mac in the face and Mac tags Max and Dominik tags Finn and Finn and Max and Him fight and Finn tags Rhea and Max tags Ruby and they fight and Ruby pins Rhea and they both leave because yea Finn and Mac start fighting  and Finn pins Mac and Mac leaves and Finn and Max start fighting and Max pins Finn then him and Dominik fight and Max pins Dominik he leaves and Ruby and Mac come back celebrates the win with Mac and there belts stay as theres and go out and Celebrates there win with them and party and go out to eat with them and they go back stage and hang out with Harper back stage with them and that and go home and party more

I hope you like chapter 1 and yea//

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