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From the elevator I could hear him yelling my name. He kept calling me so instead I just blocked him. I decided I was going to stay at my parents house for a while. Here again making something up

That dae is on a business trip and I didn't want to be alone.

I cried in my room because it was heartbreaking it's been already 3 years just gone to waste because he decides he wants to be a jerk out of no where.

I had to my work Night Shift today and I was debating wether to go but this time I'll actually depend on the money I make.

Time later

This whole time I never left my room I stayed in bed not crying but just thinking. My heart had just sunk all the way down and might not come back up.

It was getting time for me to enter work so I got ready, before leaving I ate my mothers homemade meal truly missed it.

I then headed out. Arriving soon it was just me and yena so I was able to vent to her and let everything out.

Yena- you did the right thing y/n all he was doing was draining you. He was just obsessed.
Y/n- i don't know how I'll do with all this going on
Yena- we'll you have me and Jake and le and you're parents we got your back!

Many people come do work since it's really peaceful here. I was writing down a customers order when from inside through the window I see dae getting out his car in a rush

Into the cafe shop many of the customers noticed but didn't seem to really care. I hoped he woudlnt come to me but yep he did

Since it was quiet he was whispering

Dae- y/n let's talk

I ignored him and tried going to the back but he just followed and stopped me. " dae I cant I'm working"

Dae- i know you are but please just quick

I sighed and agreed we left the shop and went to the back " okay what?" I said

Dae- y/n please don't just leave me like this I miss you and I need you
Y/n- you should've thought about that before treating me like shit
Dae- I'll change for you but please come back with me
Y/n- dae you've told me that like 1000 times and you don't ever change your still the same jerk and I'm tired of it
Dae- y/n I know you still love me

Y/n- im not going to lie, yes I do but I can go without seeing you
Dae- y/n please I'm begging you please
Y/n- i have to think about it

And so I did, the rest of the day I worked and thought about it at the same time. I wanted him to miss me I wanted him to need me.

I love when he begs me

After my shift ended I closed by myself which was scary not going to lie. My home wasn't that far away so I would just walk there.

I was suddenly so startled because dae popped up out of no where. He had bags in his hand and was trying to give them too me.

Y/n- what is this?
Dae- their for you
Y/n- why?
Dae- so you can forgive me

I gave him a ^ are you serious ^ look and walked away. " you don't want them?" He said as he followed behind me

Y/n- that's not the way you'll get me to forgive you, i don't want gifts I want you to be genuine
Dae- fine then

He dropped down on his knees " please forgive me y/n I'll do anything but please forgive me and come back with me" it was cute and funny but because bystanders were just watching this happen

Y/n- get off the floor and I told you I would think about it so let me think okay
Dae- y/n why are you doing this just come back and let me touch you please
Y/n- i think you miss my touch dae

I then left him there and thankfully he just left his way. I was tired and just wanted to go home and sleep.

When I got home there were bags and flowers everywhere, my mother and father were shocked to see this too.

Mother- I think dae missed you

Instead of going to bed I opened each of them and it was either designer shoes, bags or clothes. And the floor was full of roses.

I went to my room because I was sleepy but I screamed to see dae on my bed. My eyes widened and heart sunk

Y/n- what is your problem dae you scared the shit out of me
Dae- I want to be genuine so I made my way here, Lee y/n I love you with all my heart and I want you to know that I admit to everything I've done wrong. I want you to see that I'm sorry and I truly need you. I'm going fucking insane without you

I didn't even know what to say and so I kindly laughed because I found it cute. " you're really annoying you know that" I said but jokingly

Dae- so?
Y/n- i forgive you ok
Dae- actually? But are we still dating or
Y/n- I'm still thinking about that now go home
Dae- no either I stay here or we both go home together
Y/n- okay okay let's just sleep here

I went to my closet to get my sleeping clothes coming to find me tucked in the bed all comfortable. " leave space between us" I said because we weren't anything

He gasped

I turned the lights off and got into the bed placing pillows in between. Not a second later he threw them and pulled me by my waist closer to him.

My back touching his chest. " even if we aren't together you're mine pretty girl" I didn't reply just being super tired. But it made me smile and still gave me butterflies

Dae- I love you

Youre mine Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz