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I stayed alone at our apartment since he was staying with his parents, I thought he would come by and at least check up but not even that he could do

I was sad, mad, frustrated and broken, I was feeling too many mixed emotions I didn't even know what to feel.

I couldn't even get out of bed I cried and cried and hated him and everyone, yena tried coming by but I refused to even talk to her.

It wasn't their fault at all but they understood me until my mother unexpectedly came, she looked worried and all.

Mom- y/n I thought I taught you well sweetie, never cry over a man I know how broken you are but don't let this get to you this bad
Y/n- i don't want to do absolutely nothing I feel like I just embarrassed myself, I feel stupid for being used I feel mad and everything for even giving him a second chance
Mom- make yourself feel better live your life don't live it in your bed where you cry all day. Wether he comes back or not you can't cry because he won't care

I was taking it all in and making it seem like a lesson I should've learned a long time ago. She was right but I still felt so broken it was making me feel horrible.

Mom- go out with your friends it's a Saturday night and one thing stop working there go back to the coffee shop where you were truly happy. I want to see the smiley y/n

After we talked a bit more I wanted to feel better so I texted the group chat for us to go out and just have fun, and since everyone agreed we went out.

We went to go eat first at an Italian restaurant, I tried covering my eye backs and my swollen eyes. You could still kind of see it but whatever.

Le and yena talked a lot because I mean since they were official so it was just me and Jake, he pulled me in for a hug.

Jake- I know you need this hug we're here for you so don't push us away pull us back in and let's live our life's the way we said back in high school
Y/n- your right thank you so much Jake I feel like you've opened my eyes even after I pushed you away. You truly are real one.

He kissed my forehead and that's when our food had come, we ate really good and just chatted. Seeing how yena and le we're getting along made me sad but I didn't want to let it ruin my mood.

The beach was right next to this restaurant, so we went to hang there. The sun was setting and it was so beautiful, I made Jake take pictures of me to save this moment.

We then got into the water which was perfect temperature, splashing each other. I got out because I had gotten tired and just laid on the sand.

The sun had finally set and I thought of revenge, I know people would tell me to feel bad for him and that it wasn't his choice. That's a lie he's letting it all happen

Wont let them say their " I do's"

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