Forbidden Love

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Male Reader POV - I walked down the hallway my eyes red and puffy trying my best to keep my composure. After mine and Captain Levi's conversation things didn't feel right afterwards it felt like he wanted to avoid everything entirely when he was the one who kissed me. Still I shouldn't blame him I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt me like this regardless our conversation felt it had little to no desire towards it like it should be forgotten about.

Eren - (Y/N) are you alright?

Male Reader POV - "Huh"? I looked up seeing Eren and Reiner stand there quickly rubbing my eyes again putting on a fake smile.

Male Reader - O-oh I didn't see you there *Smiles big* mhm! I'm alright

Reiner - (Y/N) your eyes are wet *Whispers*

Male Reader - O-oh umm I-haha it must be allergies lots of pollen and stuff!

Male Reader POV - I kept trying to hold it together still smiling my eyes now made their way to the floor as tears began to drip down my nose. Suddenly a hand was placed on my back from behind slowly rubbing up and down feeling my whole body stiffen soon hearing a low voice.

Levi - He'll be fine we still need to finish our conversation tonight

Male Reader POV - My head shot up looking beside me giving Levi a shocked look as he rubbed my tears dry.

Male Reader - Sir I thought we were done talking about this

Male Reader POV - He began to cup my face slowly pressing our forheads together causing me to sniffle.

Reiner POV - I looked at Eren moving my head back towards the door at the other end of the hallway trying to tell him to give these two some privacy. Thankfully he seemed to understand as we both began to walk away so they can be among themselves.


Male Reader POV - I've noticed Eren and Reiner left but I was to hurt to care feeling Levi gently kiss my forhead.

Levi - You're such a Brat thinking I'd leave you upset like this for you to think I'd brush this under the rug

Male Reader - But I-I thought....*Tears*

Levi - This isn't easy

Male Reader - I-what? *Confused look*

Levi - You have been on my mind for such a long time now this isn't a conversation that I've just thought up out of the blue

Male Reader POV - He gripped my face tighter causing me to flinch listening to him speak in a rough tone.

Levi - This isn't easy for me it never has been to try and separate my personal life with being a scout leader it's nearly impossible *Frowns* Still I didn't want to give you up I've wanted to preserve our bond that's why I've never had an issue taking care of you that I expect you to come to me every morning to make your bed *Tears* don't you understand it made me increasingly happy for you to ask my help? I-I didn't dimiss our conversation back at the office and I didn't dismiss you! Damnit for months this has been absolutely killing me!

Male Reader POV - I was speechless for some reason my chest got a warm fuzzy moving my hand up gently caressing his face.

Male Reader - Sir I had no idea

Levi - Tch of course you didn't you damn Brat I've kept it hidden the best I could and for you to be only hurt me more

Male Reader - ....

Levi - My highlight of each and everyday was seeing you come back after a mission for me to be able to take care of you *Nervous laugh* and finally after all of these months something broke inside me

Male Reader - Broke?

Male Reader POV - I gasped as he suddenly grabbed my hand in his lacing our fingers together before squeezing tight.

Levi - That kiss not once but twice now I-I just couldn't help myself but it wasn't something I should have done

Male Reader - Levi *Tears* I don't understand you're saying two different things it's very confusing

Levi - (Y/N) that kiss it wasn't a mistake but it shouldn't have came to fruition not just once but twice

Male Reader - O-oh

Levi - Love is very confusing it's a pain in the ass

Male Reader - Love?! *Wide eyes*

Male Reader POV - He suddenly pushed me back against a nearby wall before cupping my face again causing me to gasp.

Levi - While I can't allow myself to be part of your world on a personal level the thought of you being single where anyone could come sweep you off your feet drives me insane

Male Reader - You sound like a selfish man *Pouts*

Levi - *Chuckles* Perhaps or maybe you've just driven me crazy

Male Reader POV - He stroke my hair gently pushing my bangs back before moving his hand down to my hips rubbing in circles causing me to gasp.

Levi - The thought of someone else getting close to you touching you it angers me

Levi POV - I kept rubbing (Y/N) hips blushing hard as my eyes grew heavy only for (Y/N) to say something taking me out of my trance almost immediately.

Male Reader - Huh? *Tilts head* touch me? But I'm not at a doctor getting a check up or anything

Levi - I-what? *Moves hands away*

Male Reader - Umm doctors touch you to check your heart or your breathing sometimes they want to check if you have broken bones *Confused look*

Levi POV - I was flabbergasted forgetting how innocent he was unsure of what to say.

Male Reader - .....

Male Reader POV - I gently bite my bottom lip seeing how hung up Levi was over this situation. Yes it was painful to me as well he was special to me but work comes first I needed to be mature about this.

Male Reader - Umm Sir I-we don't need to talk tonight

Levi - Pardon?

Male Reader POV - I took a deep shaky breath twiddling my thumbs before giving a small smile.

Male Reader - I'm going to try and be responsible I umm-my emotions shouldn't come first the Wings of Freedom are more important

Levi - Brat stop *Frowns*

Male Reader - We don't need to talk tonight when it will hurt us more *Tears* I still would be ok with you taking care of me

Levi POV - Before I could respond he grabbed both my hands in his before moving up kissing my cheek causing my eyes to get wet.

Male Reader - Sir today is our day off I'd like to spend time with Eren and Reiner some more before tomorrow if that's ok

Male Reader POV - He didn't respond rather he slowly let my hands go avoiding my eyes seeing how hurt he was. Leaning up I kissed his cheek again trying to hold back tears of my own before speaking.

Male Reader - Captain I'm still happy to have you in my life I don't want that going away I know in time I'll begin to feel better and accept us not being in eachothers personal life

Levi - *Tears* Shut up you damn Brat

Levi POV - I balled my fists beginning to grit my teeth feeling my chest was on fire like a giant knife was stabbed through my heart.

Male Reader POV - Captain Levi wasn't happy but I knew that anger towards me wasn't intent he was frustrated. He wanted to so badly be involved in my life outside of work but he couldn't it was the mature thing to do regardless of how painful it was.

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