Little Things In Life

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Male Reader POV - I was in the dining hall making myself a cup of tea making small talk with Eren sighing to myself.

Eren - So how did your talk with Captain Levi go? Were you going to chat with him again tonight?

Male Reader - He wanted to but I've told him it wasn't something we need to do

Eren - Hm? How come? Is everything alright?

Male Reader - Captain Levi he umm-....

Male Reader POV - Should I tell Eren how Levi feels about me? It was a private matter besides I wasn't sure if it was meant to be kept a secret. No Eren and Reiner knows he kissed me and it wasn't an issue but still I didn't want to be rude or anything.

Eren - He likes you doesn't he?

Male Reader POV - My back stiffened not saying anything going back to the pot of tea slowly pouring some in a cup feeling a hand on my shoulder.

Eren - Hey it's ok *Smiles*

Male Reader - It would be bad to talk about that stuff

Eren - Bad?

Male Reader - Mhm...

Eren - (Y/N) he kissed you though

Male Reader - *Twiddles thumbs* Captain Levi had to explain to me what a kiss was I've told him I wanted to kiss everyone because they are all special to me but he said it's only meant for one person that you care for most

Eren - *Laughs* you can be so innocent sometimes

Male Reader - *Frowns* I'm sorry...

Eren - It's alright but may I ask why you don't understand these kind of things?

Male Reader - Umm I'm not sure I've never been raised by my parents they umm *Tears* they've died a long time ago during the Titan war I've had friends that took me in but then they died to I umm-they protected me that's when the Wings of Freedom took me in and then nice people like Commander Erwin showed me how to fight and use to ODM gear though Captain Levi still helps put it on me to this day

Eren - God I'm so sorry I didn't know

Male Reader POV - I began to whimper only for my chin to be raised seeing Eren give me a warm smile.

Eren - Hey you know regardless of everything you've been put through you're here and smiling at that you make the room light up with your positivity

Male Reader - *Sniffles* I wish I could understand things more I don't know anything about love or bonding or what a kiss was or anything like that

Eren - Don't you want Captain Levi to show you?

Male Reader - *Nods* I do but work comes first I'm not even sure if he'd want to make my bed anymore or wash my hair *Tears* I like the feeling of Captain scratching my head when he cleans my hair or when he helps me with my gear always giving me words of encouragement but-but I'm not sure if it's a thing anymore I don't want to be selfish and-and sometimes I wish Captain Levi didn't kiss me or tell me this stuff because now it hurts I-Mfphhh

Male Reader POV - My mouth was suddenly covered with a hand still sniffling.

Eren - Shhh calm down you're unraveling everything's alright we all love and care for you no matter what and people like me and Reiner *Smiles* we'll always take good care of you

Male Reader POV - I nodded my head feeling a bit better as he pulled his hand away.
Levi POV - I leaned against the wall on the otherside of the dining hall crossing my arms listening to the whole conversation my eyes getting wet quickly drying them (Y/N) was hurt he was broken because of me. My shoulder was suddenly tapped on looking over was Commander Erwin gasping taking a step back as he looked at me.

Levi - D-Don't sneak up on me like that!

Erwin - Enjoying listening in on (Y/N) and Erens conversation?

Levi - Tch...

Erwin - Any particular reason why you thought this would be ok?

Levi - It's nothing *Looks away*

Erwin - It sure doesn't seem like that to me

Levi - ....

Erwin - Levi is everything alright? This isn't like you this behavior is foreign

Levi POV - I kept my arms crossed taking a deep breath before explaining everything no matter how much I didn't want to.


Erwin - I see *Stern tone* while I'm not happy you'd expose (Y/N) in this situation I also wouldn't be happy with you bottling up your emotions for such a long period of time

Levi - It should have never came to this

Erwin - Well it's your job to fix this you understand how the kid is right? He's very timid and fragile from what you've told me I think you've put him in a situation that is all to unfamiliar with him *Frowns* I can't imagine the pain and confusion he's in from what I've heard he can't comprehend the situation

Levi - *Wide eyes* You've heard them talk?

Erwin - While it isn't my business I couldn't help but hear his cries of pain
Male Reader POV - Trying my best to calm down I poured myself some tea offering Eren some as he thanked me holding out his own cup.

Eren - (Y/N) don't you want some sugar or honey? I know you love sweet stuff

Male Reader POV - I thought for a moment while I'd love nothing more than to make this drink sweet I should be more willing to try things for how they are I'm sure Captain Levi would be appreciative of that

Levi - No sugar?

Male Reader POV - I looked up seeing Captain Levi and Commander Erwin walk side by side waving to them.

Erwin - (Y/N) it's good to see you and Eren both

Male Reader - Hello sir

Levi - *Crosses arms* wouldn't you prefer having your tea to your liking?

Male Reader - I've been thinking about before how you always drank tea without anything in it I'm trying to be more appreciative

Levi POV - I felt touched walking over before placing my hand ontop of his head ruffling his hair.

Male Reader POV - Moving the cup up to my mouth the instant bitter scent made it's way to my nose. Taking a deep breath I took a gulp shivering at the taste as my face twisted with disgust.

Levi POV - Giving a small chuckle I took the cup from him before walking over to the counter opening up the cupboard before pulling down a container of sugar.

Male Reader - *Gasps* Sir?! What are you doing!? I-I wanted to drink it like you to be more appreciative

Levi - You've been more than appreciative *Smiles* while I appreciate what you've done I know how much you enjoy your tea with alot of sugar

Male Reader POV - I frowned seeing him pour in 4 teaspoons of the white confectionery into my tea before walking back over handing me the cup. Hesitant at first I slowly took the drink before taking a sip instantly feeling better with the taste.

Levi POV - I've noticed (Y/N) was enjoying his tea more ruffling his hair as he kept taking sips. "Thankyou for being so kind towards me"

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