Chapter one (the dream)

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Ok so warning
Has some bad grammar
Maybe some bad spelling
But no swearing on this one

Chapa was getting ready for bed

Chapa- alright I got my bed fixed, brushed my teeth, did skincare, and I'm in my pajamas I'm ready for bed

Chapa gets in the bed and tries to fall asleep but she can't

Chapa- uhh why can't I sleep I'm so tired oh maybe I'll scroll on Instagram for now

That seem to have done the trick cause she fell asleep right after

In chapa's dream

In the man's nest
Chapa- hey guys


Chapa- why do you all look so happy

Ray-cause we have a couple in the man's nest

Chapa- oh cool uh who?

Bose-me and Mika!

Chapa- HUH!?

Mika-yeah bosey gave me roses and said he loved me


Mika-yesterday. we were together. cause Bose told me he loved me.

Miles-yeah I've never seen my sister happier

*Chapa sparking

Chapa- I'm So happy for you two

Bose-thanks chapa but why are you sparking

Chapa- cause I'm sooo happy *clenching teeth

Bose- ok thanks but you look kinda..mad

Chapa- IM NOT MAD! why would I be mad I'm Soo happy!

Miles-if that's happy I hate to see mad

Chapa- I'm gonna go

Mika-why you just got here

Chapa-  uhh... I forgot to do my laundry
yeah need to do laundry

Ray-but what if we need volt later?

Chapa- just call me I mean I finally have a phone right? *awkwardly laughing

Chapa- byeeeeee!

Miles-well that was weird of her

Chapa at home in her room

Chapa screaming into a pillow and zapping everything she sees

Chapa- AHHHHHHH!!! *zaps her lamp

Chapa- WHY WAS I SO STUPID! *zaps a

Chapa- my name should be LULA ELANA STUPID DE SILVA!

*Alejandra knocks

Alejandra- chapa honey are you ok

Chapa- oh no uhh yeah mom I'm fine just dropped my lamp and it broke

Alejandra-ok honey I'm leaving I'll buy you a new lamp later ok

Chapa- k bye mom.

Chapa-AHHHHHHHHHH!!! *still screaming into a pillow

End of nightmare

Chapa sits up from bed like shocked


Chapa- huh... oh thank God, it was just a dream, few *relieved

Alejandra-hun are you ok I heard screaming?

Chapa- uh yeah mom just a bad dream

Alejandra-ok hunny but breakfast is ready

Chapa- ok I'll be down in 5 minutes

Chapa- I have to get to swag hopefully the bad dream won't affect me

Chapa at swag

Bose- hey chapa!

Chapa-just to make things clear your not dating anyone right *she said quickly

Bose-um yes?

Chapa- good but not that I care.. or anything just.. you know and uh... know what let's just all sit down quietly ok? good!

Mika-chaps you feeling ok?

Chapa- yeah I'm feeling great no bad dream here.

Mika-I never said anything about a bad dream?

Miles- you don't look ok your hairs a mess, you look tired* and your clothes don't match

*Chapa looks at herself

Chapa-just trying a new style that's all.

Mika what's it called ?

Chapa- it's called LEAVE ME ALONE!

K guys first chapter I don't know how many chapters there will be. I hope you guys like this one be free to give suggestions for this story, byeee <3

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