Epilogue: Resurrection

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Soran was sitting in his quaters in Eresmai, the intercepted signal from Utopia City Broadcasting was playing on the computer screen as he read a book concerning the interaction between types of arcane energies. His wounds were healing thanks to the quick action of the medical team from Commander Raine's airship-the one that saved him. Eresmai was calm again, but there was still no sign of Master Kisa.

"The attack on Utopia City a month ago was short, but caused much damage" The reporter stated, whilst standing in front of a growing crowd outside of The Hand Of Utopia-a square bulding in the north of the city which served as the Corperation's second seat of power.

"High Matriarch Rammachandra has been confirmed missing, presumed dead. The nation is in mourning at the loss of our greatest leader". Soran smirked to himself. Humanity may be free of the Mind Control of Rammachandra Leon, but her legacy remained, as did her construct of the Corperation. But now the governing body could try and turn a corner-free of her corruption, but only time would tell.

"The Skry incursion damaged us, but the resolve of the Utopian Nation will never faulter. And we now await the imminent announcment of our new leader, the figure that will take us into the new age. And here they come!" The camera panned around from the male reporter to the front doors of the corporate-looking building. A small podium was set up with curtains behind it. Draz stepped out from the black curtains and onto the podium, he was limping slightly. Soran looked up from his book and watched him attempt to climb the steps, with some satisfaction of the pain and suffering he had caused him.

"I, Lord Draz, Head Lord of Utopia officially announce the new High Matriarch of Utopia!" Draz gestured beind him as a figure passed through the curtains. She wore an elegant brown full-length dress, its strapless nature showed off her pale shoulders around which was a brown fur boa. Soran stared at the screen, it wasn't possible. Her hands were covered by elbow-length brown leather gloves and her blonde bob-style hair fell, perfectly sculpted, around her jaw. He knew the face well, although her eyes were more of a milky blue than the bright blue that he was used to. She didn't look like a teacher any more, her arogant smile made him sick to his stomach. Somewhere in his head he heard Draz speak above the cheering crowd:

"Please welcome, Natasha Renton! High Matriarch Of Utopia!"

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