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[][][][][][][][][]BlackStar Pov.[][][][][][][][][]

I ran to my lab, panting heavily, as people screaming far behind me, i did not have time to think, i needed to do this, or i wouldn't make it out alive.

"Potion of invisbilty... what did i need for an potion of Invisbilty?!"

I panicked, just grabbing stuff, and throwing it into the brewing stand. I needed this potion, and quick.

My heartbeat raced as i heard the screaming getting closer, i saw the potion, and drank it, not hestating.

Before i knew it, i got sucked into some kind of portal, and then everything went black.

[][][][][][][][][][][Biffle Pov].[][][][][][][][][][]

It was an calm day in camp, well, calm? It was normal, Zud and Sigils were fighting, Alxton was doing his thing, Kate was off to the wild west to run her saloon, and Nico wasn't there, like normal, and Henwy? I had no idea where he was.

Suddenly i heard an bone chilling scream, i first thought it was my mind playing tricks on me, but then i saw Sigils and Zud look up aswell.

"Did you guys here that?"

I asked, looking at the two "grown men".

"Yes, altleast, i did"

The purple eyed man said.

The other person with an green, backwards baseball cap just nodded.

I saw an person in an orange fox fursuit run towards us.

"Did you dudes hear it aswell"

We all nodded, and we all walked towards the forest we heard the sound from.

We split up, trying to find were the noise came from, when i heard someone groan, and walked towards the noise.

I saw an figure with thorn clothing, (probaly from an fall since i saw broken twigs and leaves all around them) cat ears, an tail and blond with blue hair.

I looked at them, and saw they had several wounds and were bleeding alot, and i also saw they had gotten knocked out, probaly also from the fall.

I picked them up, an carried them to the others


I saw Sigils run towards me.

"Those wounds need treating."

He said, and i nodded, then went silent for an minute

"Should we call Kate to help?"

I then said, looking at him, my monocle not fully in place anymore, Sigils saw it, and pushed it back like it's supposed to.

"We should, she's the best at treating wounds."

I nodded, then walked further

"Ill meet you at the wild west with the others"

Sigils nodded, and went of to get the rest, while i made my way over to the wild west.


I yelled, as soon as i walked into her saloon.


I heard her reply, and i put the person i found on an chair.

"What's u- oh great god!"

She walked towards me, and started to inspect the persons wounds, then said.

"Ill get an first aid kit, stay where you are, okay?"

I nodded at her, and sat on an chair that was close by, keeping an eye on the person.

As soon as she arrived back, she started to bandage the wounds up, and as soon as she was dome, she said.

"What happend to them?"

"Im not exactly sure, but i think they somehow fell into the forest?"

Kate looked at me, seemingly confused, but i didn't have more information, as i didn't know anything else myself.

I then heard the person starting to cough, an sign they were waking up, and i turned to them.

They looked an bit dizzy, and still had an white glow over there face, but they were defenitly awake, and the first thing i saw, were they're eyes, they looked odd, they were blue and grey with... green?

I then heard Sigils voice, he was talking to Alxton, and they walked in, together with Zud, who was awfully quiet.

The person coughed again, but then in an weak, but rather deep voice said.

"Where am i?.."

"Camp minecraft... how did you get here?"

They looked confused, and shook they're head

"I.. i don't know.."

I looked at Kate, then to Zud, Sigils and finally Alxton, i was concerend.

"What's your name?"

"BlackStar.... im from the chaos smp.."


HEHEHEHE, THIS IS ALL YOU GUYS ARE GETTING FOR NOW, im sorry- but i pulled an all-nighter on this because i was scared i would forget the idea, but i hope you people enjoyed it, and OH, if you guys know any ideas for an better name, im open for ideas. And ill try to finish an part soon- but for now, ima sleep.

Word count: 776

The Chaos Era. An camp minecraft season four [+Henwy] and CSMP storyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora