Passing Life

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Before i forget to say it- this is in the past-
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[][][][][][][][][]Benjamin Pov.[][][][][][][][][]

I looked at BlackStar, my eyes worried.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Babe, don't worry, im not going alone, Swift and Echo are coming tho."

I didn't see his face, as he was wearing his sunglasses and facemask, but i knew he was smilling slightly, as he was trying to calm me down.

"But still..."

I looked at the ground, and hugged him, still extremly worried.

"It's still the Chaos Being your fighting, not the ender dragon."
(A/N: Ignahwkahqosywosgwyt, bad idea CE me.)

"Ill be fine."

He hugs me back and gently ruffeles my hair, before grabbing his enchanted netherite sword and his enchanted bow.

He walks towards his friends, and says to them

"Swift, Echo, you ready?"

They both nod energetically, and i see BlackStar wave at me, before they walks towards the portal, and jump in.

[][][][][][][][][][][]Echo Pov.[][]][][][][][][][][]

As soon as we landed, we heard an loud growl.

"are we all ready?"

I nod, and see Swift nod aswell, then we all ran of to get in position.

I inhale, this could be the end of all of us


the large beast looked at me, and didn't seem to be the biggest fan of visitors.

now it Swift's part of the plan, but.. 

..where was Swift?

The beast stormed at me, i had no choice but to run, but i knew the beast was faster.

Before i knew it the beast had caught up, and i felt an sharp pain, then everything went black

[][][][][][][][][]BlackStar Pov.[][][][][][][][][]

I had been watching, frozen in horror and fear, as soon as the beast went back into his hole, i ran towards my friend, who was laying on the ground.

"Echo! Echo wake up!"

I shaked the lifeless body, trembling and in tears.

I see Swift walking up, then looking at me and the lifeless body of Echo.

"What happend?"


I scream, taking of my glasses to wipe my tears.

"Some enderman was attacking me."

Eventho the dragon-brid saw Echo laying on the floor, they didn't seem panicked, they didn't even seemt to find it to bad.

I seem to lose ny temper, as i unsheet my sharp claws.

"Hey hey, let's not fight now."

Swift said, her smile rather unsettling.

Those words got me to snap, slashing Swifts face.

The dragon smiled, rushing to the portal, and jumping in.

As soon as i arrive threw the portal, i see Swift crying in Pancakes arms.

"They tried to kill me!"

I see most of the members looking shocked, even Ben seems to believe her, i feel like i'm about to throw up, how could they?

The only person who has they're eyes narrowed in disbelieve, is Willow, as they stare at Swift.

I step backwards, walking towards the door, as i hear an voice scream:

"He's leaving!"

I don't even know who it is anymore, i'm dizzy, i feel betrayed, as i start running towards my lab, still hearing the voices behind me...


I'm sorry it's short- but this took me an month because of my vacation, and i have no more insperation for this chapter- ill try to upload an new chapter as quick as possible on an update on our "sweet" and "innocent" Henwy-

Word count: 568

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