Jim Kirk x Reader

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I know the photo is from beyond, but thought it was cool.

It's a whopping 6128 Words!

Where you come from, who you are etc. Is explained in the story

For This one (-TS-) means time skip

-Let's get going!-

You look down at your roster, you've been teaching at the academy this year, however also working in the academy hospital as a nurse. You turn to McCoy, the doctor you work with, and one of your best friends.

"Really?" you ask, the first person you're seeing today is Jim, Jim Kirk. For his physical of all things.

He laughs, "It's the only way I can actually convince that kid to have a physical Pike, It's only fifteen minutes."

"Worst fifteen minutes of my life," I mutter

When you first met Jim, you took him as a stuck up womaniser, who didn't care for anything but his own skin, hot women and bars. You simply observed from the far corner of one in Iowa as your dad attempted to give him one of his all mighty recruitment speeches.

You walked with him out the bar, leaving the pathetic farm-boy alone in his misery, "I don't think it worked this time, dad"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that (y/n/n)," he smiled as he ruffled your hair, you rolled your eyes. "Do you know who that kid is?"

"You think I do?" I huffed.

"Jim Kirk," I looked up at him with slightly widened eyes, he smirked.

"That's what I thought, I knew you read my dissertation," sighing, I continued to walk alongside him.

"Don't expect him to show up tomorrow, though,"

"(Y/n)," he started, "I gave him a challenge he just couldn't resist."

Much to your disappointment, Kirk arrived for the shuttle in the morning. You watched as he threw the keys of the motorbike over to a doc worker.

"Four years?" he exclaimed, "I'll do it in three,"

Under your breath, you began, "yeah, right," he turns around to face you, still making his way onto the shuttle, he raises his voice a little.

"I heard that Princess!" and because he'd turned to face you, he walks head first into a metal beam. You can't help but laugh. You notice your dad gives him a stern look from the corner of your eye as Jim says to you, "Not funny, Pike."

You'd like to say your opinion had changed, and in some ways it had. From that moment he humiliated himself on the shuttle you couldn't help your heart flutter at his smile, or your words stumble a little over his presence. However you knew you had no chance with him, as his ways never changed throughout the academy. He had even gained quite a reputation from it.

The only reason you actually talked often was Leonard. You had been two years ahead at the academy. You had even taught him for a while, however as he was already a doctor, quite well known for the fact, he was working shifts at the hospital alongside you in their third year.

It was probably reasonably obvious you had a crush on Jim, (although you really hoped that no one would ever expect, therefore notice it) you're pretty sure that your dad had somewhat figured it out as he gave you rather quizzed looks when he caught the two, or usually three, of you hanging out. Over time you had created a strong bond with both the boys, and Leonard had even told you a few times how he valued you as his little sister. It never crossed your mind that he knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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