Part 1

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"Hallie Faye! Come on now, you have 10 minutes to be at the venue!"

"I know momma, I'm coming." 

My mom can be super strict when it comes to my singing, but I am getting tired of playing the same venues over and over with nothing changing. I love my mom so much, but in a way she is destroying my love for singing. I don't enjoy it when I am getting fussed at every second. It's exhausting, but I will always do it because I don't want to upset her. I have been singing ever since I could talk and I absolutely love it, but lately it just doesn't feel the same. Luckily, it's my senior year of high school so I can finally go my own way after this year. 


I quickly threw on a baggy t-shirt and tucked the front into a pair of my wrangler bootcut jeans. I grabbed my accessories like my belt and hat, threw on my boots, grabbed my guitar and went downstairs to leave. 

"You've gotta be kidding me. Hallie you cannot wear that to your gig tonight."

"Why not? We live in the smallest town ever in Tennessee and everyone already knows who I am so why do I need to dress up for them?"

"Well, you look like you just got off the farm, but we don't have time for this just go get in the car."

We hopped in the car and started making our way over to the venue. As we pulled up I noticed it was a little more packed than usual. Actually, WAY more packed. 

"Momma whats going on? Why are there so many people here tonight?"

"A ton of people have come over from the towns over because they are having some huge raffle tonight."

"This isn't good."

"Why not Hallie? So many people finally get to hear you sing!"

"You know I have a huge fear of singing for this many people. I have only ever sang for 20 people, MAX."

"You'll be fine honey, just go up on that stage the same way you always do."

I usually never get like this because there are never this many people at one time, but the line to get in is out of the door! I don't know if I can do this. 


Momma and I parked, got my setup out of the car and went around to the backdoor of the building to get backstage. We started setting my things up and because it is such a small venue I have to setup on stage in front of everyone. Luckily, there aren't any lights shining on me at the moment but seeing all of these people piling in is scaring the crap out of me. 

8:00 pm was rolling around and I was not prepared. All I could think about was the fact that more and more people were coming through the door. I had all of my equipment set up and ready to go, but as I was looking out into the small crowd of people I noticed this boy. Very cute boy if I had to say so. He had longer hair with his white stetson cowboy hat on, a rugged t-shirt, belt buckle, straight legged jeans, and some beat up boots. My momma said I looked like I just got off the farm, but this guy definitely did. 

He distracted me for a little bit until I remembered he was going to be watching me too. Oh no. I can't do this. This is too much. 

"Hey mom.."

"What's up sweetie?"

"I don't think I can do this."

"What do you mean Hallie? You have to.."

"It's too many people mom, I don't think I can."

"Look, it's not like you are the only person performing tonight, you're being followed up by the other band here. All you have to do is go up there, sing your covered songs and walk off, it's that simple." 

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