Part 2

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His voice. It was amazing. I cannot believe that THE Colton Moore said he liked MY singing. For those of you who don't know Colton blew up on tiktok recently and has become a huge artist. He is 19, only a year older than me, and goes to college over here in Tennessee. 

As the night went on I couldn't stop listening and the more I listened the more drinks I had. I usually never have more than three but I also never stay long enough somewhere to have more than three. He was finishing up for the night but I didn't want it to end. I was feeling so good, maybe super tipsy, but I just wanted to dance. I wanted to get out and dance. Luckily, the venue was staying open for about another hour or so. 

While i'm standing here listening and enjoying Colton's music I see my mom start to approach me. 

"Hallie Faye."

"Yeah momma?"

"How many drinks have you had?"

"Only a couple.."

"Yeah, "only a couple."

"What mom?"

"Hallie you can't even stand up straight."

"Yes I can mom, I'm just swaying to the music."

"Where did you even get all of these drinks?"

"Well your friends are nice enough to buy me one too."

"Okay, well, it's time to go home then."

"No, I don't want to leave. I'm having a great time."

"I'm not asking you Hallie Faye, I am telling you, it is time to go home."

"I'm not leaving!"

I screamed it at her on accident and drew a lot of attention to us. Everyone was looking. My mom noticed and looked around. She whispered to me..

"Fine then, find your own ride home."

She stormed out and left. She seriously just left me. Honestly, I don't care because I am having a great time and it's not like she cares for me anyways.


I watched as Colton finished up his last song and wrapped it up for the night.

"Thank you everyone for coming out tonight! Stay and have a drink, the night isn't over yet! Thanks to this great venue, there will be some music playing so grab your partner and get out there!"

The venue cut on some music and Colton started packing up his gear. I walked up to the edge of the stage and looked at him.

"Oh, so you only dabble, huh?"

"Hallie Faye...what'd you think?"

He looked at me with his sweet eyes.

"Mm I think it could use some work."

"Is that so..?"

"Oh yeah."

"Okay then, Hallie Faye, tell me this. How many of those drinks have you had tonight?"

"Maybe one too many if i'm being honest."

"I kind of saw what happened with your mom.."

"What, how? You were playing."

"Well, when the entire crowd turns around to two specific people, who are clearly arguing, it's kind of hard not to notice...are you okay?"

"Yeah, i'll be alright. She's always getting on me somehow."

"Hallie Faye.."

He stepped down off of the stage.

"Can I have this dance?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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