its time to end it all

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July 15, 2009

Bakugou's pov 

It's Dekus birthday today. why the fuck do i miss him 


i love u kacchan and im sorry for everything 

end of flashback

he told me not to look for him but i kinda want to hes going to kill me if i do i know he doesn't want me to be in danger but i can take care of myself plus when did i every listen to him im Bakugou the next number one hero ill look for him at night but ill need to sneak out im going to need to make a plan 

Deku's pov  

its my birthday kacchans going to look for me i can feel it i need to just end this for good im close to afo i still have bakugous number i need to tell him 

*hey kacchan its me izuku tell everyone im ending it for good ill be home soon*

* its your fucking birthday shouldn't u be eating a cake with the lov*

* kacchan tell everyone i need to go im ding it to night i love u and tell mom im sorry for doing this if i don't make it back*

no ones pov 

deku kills the lov and he makes his way to afo the news was already getting everyone out of the area. deku walked up to the door and kicked it open. he knew if he died everyone is in trouble afo punched Izuku and he went flying out  everyone looked at what just happen and they saw deku he got up and activated  his quirk to 20% and punched afo.

to be continued.....

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