Chapter 2

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December 16th, 2013 A.D.
Space, almost to Earth's Atmosphere

"Unicron?" Ratchet scoffed. "The Chaos Bringer? Hah. That's just a sparkling's tale. Megatron must have been more out of his mind than I originally thought."

"I wouldn't take this so lightly, Ratchet," Voltimus said. "Dark energon is said to be the blood of Unicron. Also, Unicron bears an insignia which I have seen quite recently."

"How recently?" Ratchet seemed apprehensive.

"During the battle for Cybertron," Voltimus said. "An orange ring, pronged with seven horns. It was emblazoned on every Sharkticon and Quintesson I saw and or killed."

"Shockwave, what was his message?" Rodimus asked after listening for a bit.

"When I listened, it sounded like he spoke inside my head, rather than my audio-receptors," Shockwave shuddered. "As if directly to me. He said: 'Clear me a path. Kill the servants of Primus, and I shall put your enemies beneath you. My return is imminent, and I will not suffer opposition. To do this, I shall give you power beyond anything you've ever dreamed.' It was traumatic at least. Then, Unicron did speak to me directly. He said 'You shall not interfere, servant of my vessel. If you so much as lift a finger module against me, I will devour your soul and feed your husk to the scraplets.'"

Voltimus shuddered. Scraplets were small creatures that would devour a cybertronian's body down to the spark to feed off the host's electrical energy, which they would use to multiply. Terrifying creatures, yet cute at first glance.

Voltimus recalled Megatron's dark en injection. The warlord had had his strength, speed, intelligence and endurance boosted to levels never seen before, and had almost killed Optimus, had it not been for a certain yellow scout and an oversized, pure energy infused mallet once used by one of the thirteen Primes.

The Forge of Solace Prime had used all of its energy repairing Optimus, but it improved and upgraded him as well.

That had certainly given Optimus an edge never seen before. He now sported a winged jetpack, tougher armor and twin gatling guns. He was so much stronger, he could use the Star Saber with one hand for much longer than even Voltimus, who used it along with his axe now that Optimus was in long term stasis.

"So, what you're telling me," Ratchet said. "Is that Unicron is real, and he wants to kill us?"

"Oh, not just that," Shockwave said. "He wants to lure us to a place where he has the advantage. Where, I can't possibly imagine, but he will keep attacking until we arrive. Then, he will unleash his malice."

'Avalanche, how close are we to Earth?' Voltimus asked. He tried to sound normal, but the best he could manage was slightly weaker than normal.

'A few cycles at most,' Avalanche replied. 'Are you alright?'

'You wouldn't believe me if I said yes,' Voltimus replied with a sickly chuckle. 'So no. I'm not alright.'

'What happened?' she began to panic. 'No, don't tell me. I'll find out for myself. I'm come-.'

'No, don't,' Voltimus said. 'Stay put. I'll recover, you just need to ask permission to land somewhere. Earth's governments probably won't be happy that we dropped in unannounced.'

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