Chapter 3:

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December 16th, 2013 A.D.
Space, almost to Earth's Atmosphere

The doors of The Ark opened, and General Bryce watched in disbelief as an absolutely massive metal dragon stalked out of the ship. On its back was a much smaller, more feminine looking robot painted white and light gray.

There's no way they have dragons. No way, he thought. But he stood corrected for what came next.

The aliens were flanked by three dragon-looking hunks of metal, two blue, one very dark orange.

"Special Agents Fowler and Darby, I think it might be best if you handled this," Bryce addressed the two men in suits standing behind him.

"With all due respect, General, the President's orders were clear," Fowler stated. "All high-ranking military officials are to meet with our intergalactic visitors. No exceptions."

"Fine." He watched as the feminine bot dismounted the lead dragon. And it was then that he saw his first Cybertronian transformation.

The midnight blue, dark gray and gold mass of metal shifted into an enormous masculine looking robot. He had a sword and axe attached to his back, and had green light emanating from certain areas of his body, mainly the joints.

"I'm assuming that one's the leader," General Bryce muttered, approaching the figure as it was directing various members of its kind to different parts of the military base.

"He has the Star Saber, but he's not Optimus," Agent Darby said, a little worried.

"If the Star Saber is the Prime's weapon, then why might that dragon not be Optimus, Agent Darby?"

"Because Optimus is red and blue, not dark blue, dark gray and gold," Agent Darby tried explaining. "He also doesn't turn into a dragon."

"Well, I won't be convinced until the alien either confirms or denies it," General Bryce said in a tone that demanded silence. He studied the being, observing his commanding aura. When he approached the figure, he finally spoke. "Excuse me, Optimus Prime?"

The figure turned piercing green eyes locked onto the General and his entourage.

"While I am not the Cybertronian you seek, I am in temporary command of these you see  here, so you may converse with me," the alien said, kneeling down. "My name is Voltimus Prime."

"Apologies, Voltimus Prime," General Bryce said. "My orders are to speak with Optimus Prime. Do you know where he is?"

"Right here, actually," Voltimus gestured behind him, moving his frame out of the general's vision.

Optimus was in some sort of pod, keeping him frozen. His pod was being accompanied by a smaller pinkish-red female.

"What happened to him?" Agent Darby asked, concerned.

"All of the living Primes have been infected by some dark curse," Voltimus explained, blinking rapidly and shaking his helm as if to ward off dizziness. "It has incapacitated the other three. I am the only one not in stasis."

"Curse?" Bryce asked. "Dragons I can believe, but curses? Don't tell me you believe in some voodoo-demon who haunts your dreams."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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