chapter 1

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Kathy was woken up by the screams of her mother doing exactly what they where supposed to do.

"Kat wake up or your brother will eat all the food," her mother yells at her, from what she guessed is the kitchen.

Hearing that, kat jumped out of bed landing gracefully on her face.

After recovering from the fall she hauled ass to the kitchen. As kat ran into the kitchen she thought for a second, i dont have a brother, then stoped dead in her tracks looking at her mom then the strange guy in HER seat at the table.

In her seat was her best friend, Alex. He looked up at her and went back to the eggs on his plate. Kat grabbbed a plate and piled it full of bacon, eggs and toast. They ate in silence, once they where done alex picked her up and ran to her room and started throwing clothes at her.

* 6 hours later *
•kats pov•

I sat and stared at the clock begging it to move faster. It didnt move faster it actually seemed to slow down. Ut was the last class of the day for me and i wanted it to end so i could let lilly (my wolf) free and run home so i could see my daddy. I.just had five more minuets.

The bell finally rang and i was out the door before most could stand up. I ran by my locker and grabed my things then ran out of the school to the woods right besides it. I stripped then cramed my clothes into my bag then felt the plesent tingles across my back as my wolf took over. On the way home my wolf took a diffrent turn then the norm and went another direction, after about a ten minute argument, we came to a waterfall with a beautiful massivie black wolf standing infront of it.

Watching him sent a shiver down my spine we where a ways away from him but i could feel the power rolling off of him. I stood there a few more seconds then felt a pull to go play with him. I slowly crept behind him then jumped on his back and licked his forehead. Thats when the whole world stoped spinning.

My wolf was yelling something in my head, but all i heard was white noise. I finially saw his eyes, they where clear blue but the emotions swirling in them made me want to curl in a ball and cry. Hatred, pure angry hatred was all i could see in those amazing eyes.

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