i. the hockey game

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Florence Boulter rode her horse through the woods, her brown hair falling carelessly on her shoulders as she felt the cold wind against her face.

It was her favorite time of the entire year, when her beloved town, Avonlea, was covered in layers of snow. Oh, how she loved winter.

She was on her way to watch a hockey game between a few guys in her school. Her sister Tillie had already gone along with Jane Andrews and Josie Pye. Florence didn't mind much; she enjoyed the journey to the ice rink alone. And despite getting along with her sister's best friends, Florence was much closer to another group of girls their age, namely Diana Barry, Ruby Gillis, and Anne Shirley Cuthbert.

"Go Gilbert!" Florence knew she had arrived at the game when she heard her friend Ruby cheering on her lifelong crush.

As she got off her horse, she heard her friends call out to her.

"Florence! Come over quickly. Moody's about to score!"

At the sound of her name, Moody Spurgeon glanced back, his eyes searching until they finally met with Florence's gaze.

He smiled nervously and waved, a gesture which was mirrored by the girl.

"Moody, Come on!" Charlie Sloane shouted at his friend, "This is not the time."

At his words, Moody refocused, slightly embarrassed to be caught staring.

Florence laughed as she made her way to her friends. Diana hugged her, while Anne and Ruby were oblivious to the girl's presence. Both of them were too focused on the game to notice anything else. And by the game, she meant Gilbert Blythe, who happened to catch the eye of many girls at her school.

"I see you have taken over Ruby's job," Florence spoke to Anne, who had the notebook in hand.

"She's busy ogling you-know-who," Tillie suggested.

Continuing with the game, Moody made his way around the ice, passing the hockey puck to Charlie, who made the goal.

Florence along with the other girls cheered loudly, while Anne was busy writing details about the game while keeping track of the score.

"I'm sure your article will turn out great," Florence looked at Anne's very detailed notes, she knew her friend was very passionate about the school newspaper.

"Thanks, Florence," Anne smiled.

At this instance, Billy Andrews skated over to the group of girls, to which they giggled.

"Josie! You've really caught Billy's eye!"

Josie laughed, seemingly pleased that Billy could be her potential beau.

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