ii. pink dresses and green vests

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Florence knocked on Ruby's front door, impatiently tapping her foot.

After what felt like an eternity, Ruby opened the door. Her cheeks flushed as she hurried out to meet Florence.

"Finally," Florence said, linking her arms with Ruby's, "What took you so long?"

"I couldn't figure out which dress I wanted to wear! And what accessories to match it with!"

Florence rolled her eyes.

"Flo! This is serious, I want to look my best for Gilbert."

"Really?" Florence asked, "First thing in the morning and we're talking about Gilbert Blythe."

Ruby let out a defeated sigh, "Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"Anne's turning sixteen tomorrow," Florence wondered.

"Oh yes!" Ruby exclaimed, "She's going to love our surprise party."

"It's going to be so much fun," Florence grinned as they reached the schoolhouse, where the group of girls were standing off to the side.

Curious to see what they were discussing, the two girls caught up to the board, where a piece of paper wrote "Billy walked Josie home after the game".

"The take notice board is resurrected once again," Josie said with a smirk, "and the first post is about me!"

"At this age, we should all be promised to someone," Florence heard her sister Tillie say.

Hearing this, Ruby almost broke down in tears.

"I'm so confused!" She cried, "We're of age now, but Gilbert hasn't made any advances yet."

"And we're back to Gilbert again," Florence sighed.

"Think of all the fresh, eye-catching talent that will be at Queens next year," Josie stated.

At this, Florence wondered if she would find a guy of her own at Queens, or if that guy was already at her current school.

"But I'm only going to Queens to be near Gilbert!" Ruby stated.

"Come on, Ruby," Anne took her by the hand, "I bet I can help."

The red-headed girl, along with her friends, went into the schoolhouse and was immediately greeted by Charlie.

"Hi Anne," he stood there awkwardly.

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