sixth chapter

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Brooklyn's POV

We get in the car and drive 30 minutes to the new skyzone built and pay, well gilinsky paying I tried to pay but he beat me to it. I immediately run to the main trampoline area and do a few tucks, then jumping from wall to wall before gilinsky even got on the trampolines.

"Chill out" gilinsky whispers in my ear grabbing my waist, making me shiver.

"I'm having fun let me go" I say.

"Nope" he whispers grabbing my waist tighter.

"Stop, the whispering in my ear" I say, biting my lip.

"Why baby girl" he pulls me closer.

"Seriously stop" I say.

"Why should I" he whispers. Goosebumps rising on my skin.

"J-just s-st-op" I stutter like an idiot. Gilinsky laughs at me, but let's go of me. I run to the other side of the trampolines.

---after skyzone---

"You want a slurpee" Gilinsky asks.

"Duh" I say, climbing out of the car to get my slurpee.

---at Gilinsky's house---

"Wanna watch Annabelle" Gilinsky asks me.

"Really you know I hate pop up stuff" I say.

"Come on please I really wanna see it and I'll be there to protect you anyway" he smirks at me.

"Okay, okay fine" I say letting him win. Gilinsky cheered. We sit on the couch and we start to watch the movie, I'm not really scared of scary movies I just don't like the pop ups like I said when I was talking to Gilinsky. Something scary popped up and cuddled into Gilinsky's chest. Holy Jesus he smells like heaven.

"You smell good" I say my head still in his chest.

"Thanks" Gilinsky says wrapping his arms around me. I fall asleep with my head on his chest.

Gilinsky's POV

I look down to see Brooke sleeping, she's adorable I swear I wish she was mine, if she was almost everyday could be like this.

"Goodnight princess" I whisper kissing her forehead. I fall asleep shortly after that.

----next morning----

I wake up to see Brooklyn still sleeping peacefully with a content smile on her face, she's gorgeous. I look at the phone at the notifications and see...

from Johnson✖️-

where is my sister at ?

to Johnson✖️-

sleeping at my house. why ?

from Johnson✖️-

when she wakes up tell her to call or text me

to Johnson✖️-


Brooke wakes up and smiles up at me. "Hey" she says.

"Good morning" I say. "Oh your brother said to call or text him when you wake up" I say.

"Okay I'll text him after we eat breakfast" she says.

"Uhh, Brooke it's 1:30" I say laughing.

"Oh okay then I guess lunch" she says slightly laughing.

"Pizza?" I ask.

"You know me so well" she smirks.

"Pizza it is" I say, calling the pizza delivery place.

Brooklyn's POV

I text my brother to see what he wants.

To Brother 🍩

What did you need

From Brother 🍩

You know how me and gilinsky are viners

To Brother 🍩

Yeah, why

From Brother 🍩

Well I got a call from a tour and they invited me and gilinsky

To Brother 🍩

So me and Claire are just gonna have to stay home

From Brother 🍩

No actually gilinsky is aloud one and I'm aloud one so I'm inviting you and I haven't told gilinsky

To Brother 🍩

Yay but me and gilinsky are eating so when we are done you and Claire come over to gilinsky's

From Brother 🍩

Just text me I'll be ready, I'll let Claire know

To Brother 🍩

Okay see you later

"What did Johnson want" Gilinsky asks.

"Emergency meeting, me you Claire and Johnson after we are done our pizza" I say.

"Okay the pizza should be here any minute" he says, as the door bell rings.

---after lunch---

To Brother 🍩 & Claire Bear 💗

Come over now, we are done eating

Shortly after everyone is in Gilinsky's living room.

"Okay so I got a call from a tour for me and Gilinsky to be in since we are viners" Johnson says.

"Bro that's so sick!" Gilinsky says excited. "Wait what about Claire and Brooklyn" he says.

"We are aloud one guest and I'm taking Brooklyn and I'm assuming you're taking Claire" Johnson says.

"Of course I'm taking Claire, when and where are we starting with this tour" Gilinsky says.

"This Sunday and we are going to Dallas, Texas first" Johnson says.

"So are we getting online schooled for senior year" I ask.

"Yeah I signed all of us up last night we should be good to go" Johnson says.

"So what is this tour called and who else is gonna be in it" Claire asks.

"It's called Magcon and I have no clue who else is going, I guess we will see Sunday" Johnson says.

"What time is our flight" I ask.

"6:40 am Sunday" Johnson says. I groan.

"Why so early, what the hell" I say.

"I didn't plan the flight Magcon did" Johnson says in defense.

"I guess we should all pack then, how long is this tour" I say.

"5 months then we come home and get back on the tour" Johnson says.

"Where are all the stops so I know what to pack" Claire says.

"Dallas, Orlando, DC, New Jersey, Hawaii, San Fran, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Tennessee I think that's all but I'm not sure so just pack for hot, cold, and neutral" Johnson says. (A.N. this is obviously just made up, it's a fan fiction so I can put what ever I want in it)

"So get packing" Gilinsky says. Johnson and I go home to start packing this should be an interesting trip.

really random spot to end but sue me 😂 anyway love you guys !

-vodkagilinsky 💍

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