Jealousy is a bitch

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Jealousy is a bitch Kat said in her head. She didn't understand why she thinks that, plus they only met like that one school day. She's really giving. Kat looked at Glory, Upset. 

"really? Do I have to call you out?" Kat said, sitting on the bear floor. Kat looked at Glory with a confuse smile. Glory got up from her princess bed. She looked at me, grabbed a toy doll house. (Mind you these are like those big Barbie houses) and threw it at Kat. 

"Ow! Im bleeding!" Kat said, with her head bleeding. Glory smirked and hit her. Glory then made sure that Kat was bleeding hard.  Glory put some blood on her face, and ran downstairs. Kat didn't know what to do, she cleaned up the mess and the stuff of her face. 

She walked down stairs to hear this:

"Mom she threw a big house at me!"

"Girl! She wouldn't do that" 

"But mom!" 

"No buts! Your lying! Just accept the fact she's staying with us!" Glorys mom said, yelling. 

Kat was at the bottom of the stairs, Glory saw her. She gave her a deadly look. It looked like hand signals or something but she just did "I will kill you". 

"Jealousy is a bitch isn't it?" Kat said. Glory looked very pissed. Glory was pointing at Kat. "See she just cursed! Punish her!" Glory said, trying to see Kat in trouble. 

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