1. Blue (A girl in her late twenties)

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Enveloped within the abyss of despair, she exerted utmost effort. Anything that once captivated her soul had swiftly turned vapid. She resembled a parched traveller, miserably stranded amidst an unending expanse of desert, where the sun's relentless blaze refused to go down. Despite her ceaseless attempts, neither respite nor solace emerged, leaving her attempts only in futility. Everything she did was all in vain. Standing on the verge of quitting, she lacked the knowledge of when or how to relinquish her attempts. Perhaps that very uncertainty fuelled her determination to press on.

As the scorching summer reached its zenith, she harboured an intense disdain for the season, finding it both mercilessly oppressive and metaphorically unkind. Weary from her long walk, she looked for a stop, a shelter from the blazing sun. Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of a bookstore.

"Ah, what a perfect sanctuary!" she whispered to herself. Although she wouldn't classify herself as an avid reader, the allure of bookstores held a special place in her heart. This particular one, with its doorbell chiming upon her entrance, presented a novel experience. It was reminiscent of scenes from movies, and the gentle jingle of the bell enveloped her in a magical, soothing aura.

With a swift glance, she surveyed her surroundings. The bookstore, true to her expectations, bore a serene ambience, devoid of the usual bustling crowd. Inside, despite the scorching heat outdoors, a pleasant coolness welcomed her. In that fleeting moment, her mind, plagued by restlessness for months, if not years, surrendered to a sudden surge of tranquility.

A whimsical notion intruded upon her consciousness, as if whispered by her own musings. "If peace had a hue, it surely wouldn't be white!" she mused, an unexpected thought that popped into her mind.

Curiosity compelled her to explore further. A glance around revealed an intriguing sight: an ethereal, cool blue hue suffused everything within the store, as if adorned with a mystical filter. Puzzled, she wondered, "Could it be that I'm still wearing my sunglasses?" Her hands instinctively reached for her eyes, but there was no obstruction to be found. With that realisation, she concluded that her sunglasses were nowhere in sight.

"Is this a dream?" she whispered, doubt filling her voice. Doubtful, she rubbed her eyes vigorously, even going as far as pinching herself, but the scene remained unchanged. She stood exactly where she had entered moments ago, within the comforting embrace of the cool bookstore. The subtle blue hue persisted, casting its enchanting spell.

Examining her surroundings with a closer look, she realised there was no particular colour scheme among the paints adorning the walls, the counter, the tables and chairs, the curtains, or the shelves housing the books. Yet, as if by some unspoken magic, the entire bookstore emanated that serene shade of cool blue. Nothing overtly extraordinary, and yet, it possessed an air of captivating wonder.

If someone were to inquire about her experience and attempt to unravel the depths of her emotions and perceptions, she would find herself utterly at a loss for words. The question lingered in her thoughts, evoking a shared curiosity within herself.

Amidst the mysterious ambiance of the bookstore, she experienced a profound revelation. If asked at that very moment what colour encapsulated her sense of serenity, she could confidently declare it to be blue.

In that tranquil environment, everything seemed to fall into place like a self-solving puzzle. Surprisingly, she had done very little in that bookstore, merely being present and immersed in the cool, calming blue atmosphere seemed to work wonders for her. It was as if someone had taken over, explaining and providing understanding for all the questions, worries, and overthinking she had ever faced. The experience put her at ease, providing solutions to all her troubles and showing her how to overcome them.

The blue of sadness she once bore had dramatically transformed into the blue of peace.

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