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Elena's pov

*many hours earlier*

"Elena! Hurry up! You don't want to be late for your first day of school, do you?"A voice shouted from outside my door. It was my first day as a transfer student at Lakewood High School and I was taking my time doing unnecessary things to drag out time. "Seriously Elena if we don't leave right now I'll be late to work too, and I'll leave without you!" The voice outside started becoming louder and more agitated.

I sigh, "Okay! I'm coming, stop yelling!" I shouted back.

"YOU'RE YELLING TOO DUMBASS!" The yelling was accompanied with relentless banging on my door, and I felt a headache coming on.

"OH MY GOD STOP!" I shouted, fed up. The banging abruptly stopped once I flung open the door and shot a glare at my older brother, who stood in my doorway with an annoyed expression. "I'm done now so let's go." I grumbled and walked past him, heading toward the front door.

My brother, clearly unimpressed by my morning antics, followed me with an exasperated expression. Fighting with my brother this early in the morning was the last thing I needed before my first day at a new school, and I couldn't shake the feeling that today was not gonna be good.

My brother unlocks his messed up car that looked like it's been through two car accidents, he got it a couple of weeks ago and already it's his most prized possession, I don't really trust his car but I'm relieved my brother is at least driving me to school, saves me the trouble of walking there and getting lost on the way somehow. An awkward cough interrupts my thoughts and grabs my attention as I finish buckling myself onto the seat. "so... are you excited for your first day?" My brother attempts to strike up a conversation.

I scoff and shift my gaze away, staring out of the window "what do you think Antonio?"

"Right... at least you get to start anew, and maybe this time you'll make some friends"

"like that has ever worked out for me" I retort back, an awkward silence settles between us

"look I know it's tough moving to a country, where you barely know the language but it's what Mom and Dad want for you, so you're just gonna have to try to get used to it"

"...I know" I glance at my brother's reflection in the window, and a small smile forms on my face. Despite the challenges, I appreciate him taking the time to take me to school on my first day of school. The car ride continues to be silent on the way to my new school, the anticipation and nerves grow as we get closer to our final destination.

As the car pulled up to Lakewood High, I took a deep breath to try to steady my nerves. The familiar knot of anxiety tightened in my stomach, but I knew I had to face the challenge of being the new girl. "Thanks for the ride" I mumbled to my brother, a mix of reluctance in my voice.

He nodded, giving me a reassuring smile. "You'll do great, Elena. Just give it a chance, okay?"
He pauses "dad, would be so proud if he was he right now"

I offered a hesitant smile in return, "I know" the knots in my stomach untightened slightly at his words, and with a brief nod, I stepped out of the car and into the new environment of Lakewood High. I have no high expectations for today but I just hope today goes somewhat smoothly.

There were a couple of students loitering around, it seemed like I was kinda of early, which was good for me, I could explore the school for a bit and locate my class as well, without looking lost to others. I walked through the entrance and found the main office, a middle-aged woman with short blonde hair greeted me with a warm smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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