CH: 14

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Lavanya stood at the edge of Koh Kradan beach, her gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sparkling ocean. The gentle waves lapped against the shore, mirroring the turbulent emotions swirling within her heart. She had come to Thailand with her friends Jake, Maki, Sunoo, Jay, Jungwon, Heesung, and Priya in an attempt to heal the wounds left by her shattered relationship with Riki. But no matter how hard she tried, the pain lingered, refusing to fade away.

As the warm sun kissed her skin, Lavanya couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. She had her friends by her side, offering their unwavering support, reminding her that she was not alone in this journey. Jake, Maki, Sunoo, Jay, Jungwon, Heesung, and Priya knew her pain, and they were determined to help her find solace.

One evening, the group decided to attend a lively beach party to lift Lavanya's spirits. Laughter and music filled the air as they danced and celebrated life, trying to drown out the heartache that threatened to consume Lavanya's every thought. Her friends encircled her, creating a protective barrier against the world that had let her down.

Heesung spun Lavanya around, his smile radiant as he whispered words of encouragement. "Lavanya, you're stronger than you think. We're here for you, no matter what. Let's make beautiful memories tonight."

Jungwon, Sunoo, and Jay joined in, forming a tight-knit circle, their voices merging with the pulsating beats of the music. They pulled Lavanya into their midst, their movements a harmonious symphony of friendship and love. They were determined to make her forget, if only for a little while, the pain that gnawed at her heart.

Meanwhile, across the shimmering dance floor, Lavanya's eyes locked with a familiar face. Sunghoon, Riki's best friend, stood with Riki and Jia, his secretary. The sight of Riki, the man who had shattered her heart, sent a rush of emotions through Lavanya. Happiness and heartbreak mingled within her, creating a bittersweet concoction of feelings.

But Lavanya refused to let her emotions overwhelm her. She had come here to find peace, to rediscover herself. Tonight was about her, not about the pain of unrequited love. With a deep breath, she mustered a smile and turned back to her friends, determined to make the most of the night.

As the music swelled and the party continued, Lavanya found herself lost in the embrace of her friends, surrounded by their unwavering support. And in that moment, a spark of hope ignited within her. Maybe, just maybe, she would find the strength to heal and move forward, even without Riki by her side.

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