CH: 18

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Hey , guys it been a  long time since I updated this story.

How are you all? I hope you all are fine

BTW I'm so excited for Enhypen new Comeback ORANGE:BLOOD

Lets's move on to the story now

Lavanya's POV:

The bustling market and Heeseung's company felt like a distant memory as I found myself seated in a high-rise boardroom in Germany, surrounded by the esteemed executives of a renowned German company who's CEO is Mr.Schneider .This wasn't a casual stroll through a market; this was business, and the weight of the moment bore down on me.

My friend Priya, a dedicated and brilliant woman, was beside me. We had embarked on this crucial meeting, a pivotal moment for our fundraising company back in Japan. The room hummed with anticipation, but the air was filled with possibilities and tension as we prepared to sign a significant deal with the German company's executives.

As Priya introduced our team and began discussing the partnership, I couldn't help but reflect on the complexity of my life. While I had ventured into this professional world, my personal life was still marred by the ghosts of my past. Riki's memory and the shadow of what we had shared loomed over me, even as I sat in this impressive boardroom, worlds apart from the market we had roamed with Heeseung earlier.

The German company's representatives spoke in their native language, their words forming a symphony of incomprehensible sounds that reminded me of how far from home I was. Heeseung's playful banter and the fleeting kiss we had shared were now distant echoes, reminders of the time when my heart was free from the burdens of the past.

Though my focus was on the meeting, my thoughts wandered, and I couldn't help but wonder if Riki, too, was trapped in a whirlwind of emotions, grappling with what we had once been. The irony of it all, conducting a critical business negotiation in Germany while my heart was still entangled in a web of unresolved feelings, was not lost on me.

For now, I had to focus on the present, on securing this deal with the Mr.Schneider company and on moving forward in my professional life. But the ghosts of my personal history remained ever-present, waiting to be reckoned with once the business day was over.

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