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Art by Flyingpotato1234

Name: Fawn

Species: Forest Spirit

Family: Prima (mother), Blaise (father)

Age: 4 (Deer form), 12 (Human form)

Birthday: April 22nd

Favourite colour: Beige

Favourite food: Tomatoes

Likes: Nature, the great outdoors, creating flower crowns, stargazing, sleeping under the stars, camping, tree climbing, recycling and upcycling, gardening, eco-friendly living, ethical zoos and aquariums, animals

Dislikes: Tight spaces (main fear), harming nature, mistreatment of animals, wastefulness and environmental negligence, conflict and confrontation, taking baths



She's beige, serene, compassionate and the gang's ethical compass.  She has a deep connection to the natural world and is quick to stand up for the little guy. Fawn loves gardening and stargazing.


Every rustling leaf, every whispering breeze, and every vibrant bloom holds a special place in Fawn's heart. It's as if she sees the world through a kaleidoscope of colours, each hue more vibrant and alive than the last.

When faced with disappointment, Fawn chooses a path less travelled. Instead of succumbing to anger, she gracefully expresses her discontent, seeking understanding and resolution. It is this remarkable ability to navigate the complexities of emotions that sets her apart, for she understands that true strength lies in finding harmony amidst chaos.

Ethical living, sustainability, and environmental conservation are not mere buzzwords to Fawn; they are the guiding principles that shape her very existence. She walks the talk, embodying a commitment to preserving nature in every aspect of her life. From the smallest act of recycling to championing grand initiatives, Fawn's dedication to the well-being of the planet is unwavering. 

Fawn's unwavering faith in second chances is a testament to her kind and compassionate nature. She firmly believes that with the right guidance, anyone can turn their life around and do good.


Shapeshifting: Fawn can effortlessly shift between a human form and a deer form at will.

Animal Whisperer: Fawn can communicate with animals. She is able to understand what they're feeling and can translate their words into human for the benefit of the gang.

Green Thumb: Fawn has a talent for gardening. She is adept at knowing what each plant needs to thrive and has learnt how to grow many flowers and fruits.

Nature's Encyclopaedia: Fawn has an in-depth knowledge of plants and animals. She can say what species a flower or animal is from, their scientific name and even some facts that most people don't know. She is also very perceptive and can tell a poisonous plant from a safe one.

Singing/ Dancing: Like the rest of the Skyline Gang, Fawn is extremely good at singing and dancing and often performs with them in their shows.

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