Origins Prologue: Hiking and Hiding

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As the radiant sun bathed the vibrant green scenery in its warm glow, eight companions embarked on a leisurely stroll through the untamed wilderness. Among them was a spirited young lad, donned in a striking blue attire, whose passion for sports was evident in his every step. By his side, a fashion-forward young lady, dressed in a sparkly golden dress, had chosen the most impractical outfit for their adventurous hike.

Accompanying them was a whimsical girl, draped in a regal shade of purple, who was headbanging to a rock song playing through her headphones. A curious boy, clad in a vibrant shade of red, eagerly shared scientific facts about the surrounding plant life. A mischievous lad, adorned in a lively shade of green, entertained his pink-clad sister with a series of nature-themed jokes, eliciting laughter from both of them. Their loyal orange-and-white canine companion trotted alongside, adding an element of joy to their merry escapade.

However, amidst the cheerful chatter and laughter, a solemn figure in a sombre grey attire trailed a few paces behind, choosing to remain silent. This enigmatic girl seemed to distance herself from the lively banter, observing her companions with a frosty gaze.

"Remind me why we brought Misty with us?" The green-clad boy asked, noting the way the grey-clad girl stared at them without showing a shred of emotion.

"Come on, Sproutie," The pink-clad girl replied, "She's our friend."

Sprout sighed. His sister was kind to a fault. "You're right, Candi. This trip was meant to bring us together, not tear us apart."

Misty didn't say a word, but she gave Candi a small smile.

Are we nearly there yet?" The yellow-clad girl asked.

"Mimi, you've been asking me that for the past hour," The blue-clad boy sighed, "The answer is still no."

"Dude is right," The red-clad boy chimed in, "According to my calculations, we still have-"

"No one asked for your opinion, Bud." Mimi shot back.

The purple-clad girl felt a tap on her shoulder. "Need something?" She asked as she pulled her headphones out, only to find no one there. "Wait up, guys!" She exclaimed, dashing forward to catch up with her friends.

Dude, wearing a smirk of amusement, greeted her, "Ah, Pip, nice of you to finally join us."

Raising an eyebrow, Pip responded with a hint of sass, "You startle me and then take off? Not cool, Dude."

"I'm not that immature, thank you very much," Dude retorted.

Pip couldn't help but laugh. She had a pretty good inkling of who was behind that little prank...

"Easy there, Rainbow!" Bud gasped, his hand firmly clutching the dog's leash. "Remember what happened the last time you dashed away? You ended up getting all turned around and couldn't find your way back."

"Woof! Sorry!" Rainbow barked, skidding to a halt. "Hiking's fun! Woof!"

"How do you have so much energy?" Bud sighed. He couldn't run to save his life.

Dude pointed down the path and exclaimed, "The lake is right over there! Let's pitch our tents and take a refreshing swim."

Mimi, however, crossed her arms and huffed, "I won't be joining you in the water. I refuse to get my hair wet."

Dude thought for a moment and then suggested, "Well, Mimi, why don't you gather some firewood instead? And Misty, you can assist her..." His voice trailed off as he realized that Misty had disappeared without a trace.

Bud grumbled, "That girl is always wandering off. We should probably go search for her before it starts getting dark."

Dude nodded in agreement. "Let's spread out and look for her. We'll meet back here in an hour, okay?"

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