First Encounter.

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Y/N was running away from a place that was falling apart, their heart was racing as they kept dodging things that were breaking and falling.

"HOLY SHIT THIS IS SCARY!" Y/N shouted out of pure fear. Y/N kept running until all of the sudden, they were lifted off the ground by someone. That someone was Slicer. Slicer carried Y/N while running as fast as he could from the dangerous place, he wasn't the fastest however he was fast enough to manage getting away from the crumbling place. Y/N looked at Slicer, Y/N was surprised but also confused. Where did he even come from? It was like he came out of thin air.

Slicer puts Y/N down as he looked at Y/N and spoke. "That was a close one! Are you okay?" Y/N nods their head and replied. "I'm alright, thanks for saving me from there, that was.. terrifying as hell!" Slicer chuckles a bit. "Yeah.. that was pretty scary, thankfully nobody was hurt though."

Y/N thought for a moment then decides to ask Slicer a question. "Sooo.. what's your name?"

Slicer perks up due to the question and answers. "Oh! I'm Slicer, what about you? What's your name?"

"I'm (your name here), nice meeting you Slicer!" Y/N and Slicer shook hands. Slicer hears his name getting called by Crusher. Slicer shouts back at Crusher. "IM COMING!!"

Slicer looked at you. "I should get going now, it was nice talking with you! Stay safe, alright?" Y/N smiles and nods. Slicer smiles back at Y?N and then he leaves.

Y/N watched Slicer walk back to his friends and thought to themselves. "What a nice man. Maybe I should talk to him more? Well.. it's getting late anyway, i'll see what I can do tomorrow."

Y/N walked back to their home, Y/N decided to go upstairs, switch into some comfortable pjs, Y/N then fall right onto their bed, enjoying how comfortable their bed felt. "Finallyy.. home sweet home.." Y/N rested on their bed for a while until they ended up falling asleep.

♥ Slice of Life. ♥ slicer X gender neutral readerWhere stories live. Discover now