Nick goes to work and feels miserable and Charlie helps with nick

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this chapter is two days after the last

Nick wakes up sees the time and gets dressed and then gets in the car and drives to work.  The sun is bright out so he puts the window down. It's summer and this city always has heat wave but it doesn't get like that here. In the summertime they usually have a breeze even though the air conditioning is at full blast.  Nick gets at his work and says to his boss sorry I'm late and his boss says it's fine Nicholas  but his eyes don't really look fine.  He looks tired. His eyes are red and bloodshot from lack of sleep and his hair looks greasy and gross as if he hasn't combed it for days.  Nick looks at his boss and he doesn't like what he sees. He looks dead inside and then starts working and Nick remembers and mumbles oh fuck I forgot to give Charlie a note and then comes lunch break Nick calls Charlie  and before Nick could say anything Charlie says oh hi Nick and Nick says hi char I'm so sorry I didn't leave a note and Charlie says and giggles no it's fine and Nick says but Mon amour I really would've liked it I could stay home with you and the kids then being in this place and they are so homophobic and I can barely even get a word in conversation char and this feels like when we first went out and Charlie says it's fine  Nick it's fine don't worry about it.  Nick can hear the kids screaming and laughing downstairs and Nick says oh god now I feel more bad you're at home with the kids and I'm stuck at this job which sucks all day long and Charlie says so I have to go but I'll see you later and Nick says I love yo- and then Charlie hangs up .  Nick sighs because Charlie is still there and not off doing some stupid thing with the kids so Nick goes to work. He's trying to ignore his headache.  This is probably just stress and nothing to worry about Nick tells himself. after 5 more hours Nick drives home  exhausted.

after Nick gets home Charlie sees him and hugs him and whispers the kids missed you and then Nick falls asleep on their bed and then Charlie picks up nicks stuff and puts it away and then Charlie checks the time and it's 9:45 pm and the puts the kids to asleep and then picks up the dishes and sighs and mumbles oh wow they did make a mess and Nick is tired and exhausted I should probably make him something special and then goes upstairs and falls asleep on top of Nick.

Charlie wakes up at 6:45 a.m. and sees Nick still in his work clothes  and he smiles at how cute he looks sleeping next to him and then he takes his shower and makes breakfast and then cleans up the house and then he puts the kids to school. Nick still isn't awake and then Charlie gets back home and still sees that nick is still asleep and he sighs again and then heads upstairs to get changed into his own outfit and then Nick wakes up around 11:30 a.m. and sees Charlie dressed up and Nick groans and says come here right now and Charlie says no and Nick says come on are you seriously and Charlie says yes I am now get up Nick it's almost noon and plus I have a surprise for you and Nick says what is it very seductively  and Charlie says okay but don't be mad.  Nick says okay.  Charlie pulls out a big cardboard box from the closet in the guest room and then opens it and then Nick laughs and then Charlie does too cause there are so many things in there. Nick laughs until tears form in his eyes and he can't stop crying and Charlie sits down next to him and holds him and cries too.  They cry for 15 minutes straight and then they laugh and cry some more.  Eventually they calm down and then Nick notices that the box is still open and Charlie is holding on to one item.  Nick gets curious and leans over.

Charlie says close your eyes Nick  and then kisses his cheek.  Nick closes his eyes and then hears rustling and then Charlie hands him an envelope.  Nick looks at it for a few seconds before opening it.  Inside is a ticket for a plane leaving in two weeks  Nick gasps and Charlie says it'S for a trip to Paris to look at some art and Nick wants to scream and jump for joy.  He jumps up and pulls Charlie in for a hug and they hug for several moments and then Nick kisses him on the cheek and then they start talking about the flight tickets and the hotel and everything else and then Charlie mumbles and Nick kisses Charlie too shut him up  and they start kissing again and then Nick breaks the kiss and they both laugh.  Then Charlie asks Nick if he has any plans for today and Nick shakes his head 'no'.  Then Charlie gets an idea and Nick asks what he's thinking and Charlie answers "maybe we should go somewhere since the kids aren't going to be home until 4:45 and Nick grabs Charlie 's hand and leads them to the backyard.  There are some blankets and pillows on the patio table and Nick lays down on the blanket and Charlie lays down next to him and kisses Nick again and then Nick says maybe we can watch a movie or something and Charlie laughs and says sure.  Nick sits up and they watch a movie. When it's over Charlie kisses Nick again and they do a few other things and then they sit together on the blanket watching the stars fall.  They talk a lot and eventually fall asleep. 

Nick wakes up about 4:00 pm and then Nick says I can pick up the kids char you just rest ok? then Nick leaves to get the kids and then Charlie thinks about Nick and their. kids  and their future life together.  He sighs and falls asleep.  Nick returns with the kids and he's tired and hungry but he knows it won't matter.  He's got a whole lifetime ahead of him.  A whole lifetime to show love to his children. while Charlie is still sleeping Nick cooks dinner and then him and the kids eat  dinner and then they go to bed and he's so sleepy he falls asleep instantly. Charlie awakes and watches him and his kids sleep and then he gets up quietly that there's a plate of food for him on the table and he eats alone and then falls asleep on the couch waiting for Nick to wake up.  At 2:00 am Nick wakes up and realizes he fell asleep.  and then walks downstairs and sees Charlie and then Nick grabs Charlie and flings him over his shoulder and Nick chuckles and mumbles my husband❤️ is so cute and then Nick sets down Charlie on the bed and then Nick lays back down  with him.  They snuggle under the covers and kiss each other  until dawn breaks.

Charlie wakes up in Nick's arms and Nick wakes up smiling and saying hey handsome, how are you feeling today? and then Nick kisses him and Nick asks if they should go get pancakes and they laugh and kiss.  Then they shower and then Charlie takes a bath.  Nick is washing the kids when Charlie says hey Nick can we talk? and Nick turns around and sees Charlie looking nervous and he nods.  Charlie sits down on the bed and Nick sits across from him and says what's wrong? Nick says is everything ok? and Charlie just nods and says I need you to promise me that tou wont leave me  and Nick says of course I will stay Charlie I would never leave you.  And then he kisses Charlie and Charlie wraps his arms around Nick and Nick kisses him back.  Then Nick sits up and puts his hand on Charlie's face and wipes away a tear and he says it's all right darling Im here and the kids are here as well and then Nick sees the kids playing outside  and he smiles at them and says i bet they've been bored and the kids run towards Nick and Nick stands up and hugs the kids and kisses all 3 of them on the forehead and he then kisses Charlie on the lips.

and then after a few hours the. kids playing they all charge at nick and Nick looks at Charlie and Charlie says nope that's all you and Charlie walks away and the kids giggles and Nick says they are definitely me and Charlies kids they definitely have Charlies hair and dimples  and cheekbones and they also have Charlies eyes, Nick laughs and kisses all 3 of the kids on the cheeks and kisses all 3 of the kids and the kids go in their respective rooms then he sees that Charlie is in the kitchen and he follows him inside and hugs him from behind and then kisses his neck and Charlie blushes. Charlie giggles and says  hi babe.  Nick grins and kisses him and then Charlie kisses him back and they kiss and kiss and kiss until Nick runs out of breath.  Charlie kisses Nick's cheek and they walk out of the kitchen and sit down on the couch and cuddle together. and Nick says  Iove you char and the kids have your smile, dimples and hair  and they're always laughing and running around and Charlie laughs and says yeah Nick i love you too.

Nick is lying on the bed reading a book and Charlie comes in and snuggles with Nick  and they read for a little bit and then Nick falls asleep and Charlie lays there looking at him and he thinks about how lucky he is to have Nick in his life and how happy he is. Charlie cries silently and looks at the bathroom  door and then he slowly gets up, not wanting to disturb Nick, and walks past the bathroom and stops and looks through the window. and thinks Nick and the kids and then Charlie has intrusive thoughts  like what if they hate me and what if they want to leave and Charlie sits on the ground and starts to cry harder and then Nick wakes up and rubs his eyes and looks at Charlie who is sitting there and says  whats wrong babe? Charlie sniffles and looks at Nick and then says nothing  Nick frowns and asks him what's wrong what happened?  Charlie tells him that he was just thinking and then Nick tells him it's okay  tell me anything.  And Charlie goes silent and thinks a little longer then he says  Nick its just that... I dont really know what to do with myself because I feel like I'm wasting your time and the kids time and then Nick grabs Charlies hand and says your really going to say that about my handsome husband and Charlie says it's true   and Nick says hey stop and then kisses him  and then pulls Charlie into a passionate kiss which makes them both laugh and Nick pushes Charlie onto the bed.  Nick kisses Charlie some more and then pulls away and asks him what he's doing and Charlie shrugs and Nick asks him what hes thinking about. then Charlie sighs and says I'm not the best person and Nick grabs Charlies hand and says no you are and if you weren't then why do we have kids and we're married  and what do you mean? Charlie looks away and Nick moves closer and grabs Charlie's chin and forces him to look at him and says whats going on  please tell me.  Charlie looks at Nick and says that he feels stupid and inadequate and Nick says you are anything but pathetic and you don't even know what you're saying.  Nick tells him that he thinks Charlie is one of the most beautiful people ever  and that he loves him so much and that he wants to spend the rest of his life making love to him  and telling him how much he means to him.

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