Chapter 2

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 "I was abandoned in the woods when I was born besides a blanket with my name on it that was all I was left with. The woman who found me, my mother, said I was left out there and I had a hand shaped bruise on my arm, as a newborn. Like who does that? I was brought here and raised by my mother and I have been searching for anything about my past since, forever. And when I heard there was a blacksmith in town I was like, "I don't have anything to lose."

He listened quietly, just staring at me. "Would you put your hair down please?" I looked back at him confused, it was kind of a weird request but if it would get me any more information I am willing to comply with it since it's not creepy, yet. I let down my shoulder length hair and his reaction was NOT what I was expecting. I get that having a large white strip of hair was a tad bit strange but I feel like this is a bit overkill. "You look just like your mother" my eyes widened in shock "My real mother?" He nodded and stood fully up and stroked his thick but short beard. "I knew your mother, her name was Jewel. And that she was." My eyes started to water. For so many different reasons, the fact that I was getting some actual answers I have waited so long for, but it was also that he was talking about her in past tense.

"She's dead, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you that dear." I nodded and wiped my wet eyes. "Do you know anything else about her? or where I'm from? Or my father?" He sighed heavily "I'm afraid I don't know exactly who your father is dear, Jewel went missing about a year before you were born, so nobody knew where she was. But I can point you in the right direction for more answers. But I'm afraid this is not my story to tell you." I nodded understanding but slightly frustrated, though I have always been antsy to move so maybe an adventure to find out who I am will be just what I need.Questions flood my brain about who will take care of my mother and if I could make it out on my own. "I feel like I'm gonna pass out" I huff out and start to fan myself with my hand. The man behind the counter shuffles around and hollers for some person named Graedon. Suddenly I am sitting down in the chair that once resided in the corner of the room and the man is offering me a mug of water. After a few sips of water my sanity returns and the man is kneeling in front of me with a slightly smaller version of him staring at me off at the side.

"Umm, who is that? And as a matter of fact, Who are you?" I ask, realizing how much of a bitch I've been. I didn't even ask for his name, but then again he didn't ask for mine either, so I guess fair is fair. "Oh, where is my manners? My name is Draelyx Drawrstech and this is my son Graedon." I nodded "Bex" he laughed "Your mother once told me she was going to name her first daughter Claire, guess she didn't like it." his goofy smile slowly turned into a look of sadness. "Let me write you a letter for who you need to see and why I am sending you" I nodded and he left the room. Graedon continued to stare at me but me being me I was not going to allow him to make me uncomfortable. So I stared right back. And when his eyes started to explore me, mine started to explore him. Again, fair is fair. And I was starting to see why he was the hottest new bachelor in town and it is no wonder Julietta wanted him. As well as every girl of age to marry in Wevren. He looks a lot like his dad but younger and he has two small brown moles on the end of his upper lip. His muscles make you think he worked out all day everyday but it wasn't so overbearing and defined in a gross way. His hair was a dark brown and eyes a dark hazel with more green than brown. When my eyes finally went back to his he had a large smirk. Ok that ruined it all.

I rolled my eyes and officially moved my eyes to the door his father left out of. No words were spoken for the next three minutes until his father returned, but two women came trailing behind him. One woman who I assumed was his wife had wrinkles and the same dark brown hair as Graedon but her eyes were a light green. The other lady was about my age, maybe a little bit older. She had her fathers black hair and green eyes. Was this family carved by the gods or something? "Oh sweetheart you look just like Jewel." The older of the two women gushed. "Bex, this is my wife Blaire, my daughter Haia, and of course my son Graedon." I nodded to them because I probably wasn't going to remember their names anyway. But I digress.

"Hi, my name is Haia. It's nice to meet you" This woman was hot, her black hair complimented the piercing that dressed her ears, she had two nose piercings connected with a small chain that lay over her button nose. And her neck was covered in a celestial moon tattoo with various stars and dots around it. She on the other hand I was DEFINITELY going to remember. "Here is the letter to Vlad, you will have to go to Kãstro and request the presence of the Vampire King. He will give you the answers to the rest of your questions. Graedon and Haia will escort you, you will leave Tomorrow morning." Draelyx says as he hands the envelopes to me. My eyes widen as well as Graedon's. "Father, you can't be serious!" I feel like I'm intruding on a family conversation, but to be honest the tea makes it worth the feeling of being awkward. "You're going, not for discussion." Draelyx said and then walked out the back door. "But father!" Graedon hollered after his dad and then followed him out the back.

"Oh Bex, don't take him seriously, he's just got a few ties he severed back at Kãstro and he was grateful to leave." Blaire sighed. Suddenly I was engulfed in a hug by her, she smelled like rose and a tint of iron. "You don't understand how grateful I am to see you. Your mother was my best friend. Before she disappeared we were going through some of the toughest times of our life and your mother was like a light in our dark cave. She was there when we needed comfort the most. And when she disappeared we searched for years and in my heart I knew she was never gone. And I see now that it is you. Your mother will never be gone for she has given this land the most precious gift. She gave us her in you. And now we hope you get your answers and find what you most desire." She pulled away and started to take off her silver chained necklace that had a white tear drop shaped stone with an eye carved in the middle of it. "When you are lost, this will show you the way, you can always be found." She put the necklace around my neck and stepped back and wiped the tears from her face. I picked up the necklace and stared at the stone it had a shiny coat over it, it was gorge- wait did that eye just fucking blink?!

"Umm- is this supposed to blink?" I asked rather freaked out. Haia giggled at my reaction and pulled the same necklace out of her shirt. "Yes, it means that it is working and recognizes you. It won't work if you were to just stumble upon it. The creator has to give it to you for it to work." I slowly nodded and decided to not acknowledge it for a while so I don't get too freaked out. "So umm, you guys made it?" Haia nodded, "we make jewelry, it's entwined with our blacksmith shop. The boys cater to the weapons and we cater to the people who want gorgeous and enchanted jewelry, it was truly a passion that turned into what became a part of our business." I nodded "Next time I'm in the market for some jewelry I'll know where to come." They nodded. "Alright dear, now you only have a few hours before you embark on your adventure of course if you want too." I nodded "I have to know, or I will die drowning in questions." They smiled at me, it almost felt cozy like this is a part of who I was supposed to be. "Alright head home and meet us in the square at eight, Graedon and I will be waiting for you. The trip is about two days long but you may be there for a while so pack what you can carry." I nodded, thanked them for all their help, and left for home. How the hell am I going to tell everyone, I'm leaving TOMORROW. Julietta is going to be so jealous that I will be spending time with Graedon, and MikHail is going to love me for it. Oh god, how am I going to tell mother? 

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