Chapter 3

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I just left the Drawrstech store and I should go home first but right now I need my best friend. The sun is starting to set, I didn't realize how long I was there. I decided I needed a pitstop on the way home. 'Dolcini Couture' is owned by a middle class widow who married a man thirty years older than her. For his money of course. They had two daughters before he died. Rumors said he was poisoned by his wife Amaretti Dolcini but if you ask her he had health problems. But I think I would kill any man who courted me at 19 years old when they were well into their 50's. She married him for his wealth and now she is training her daughters to do the same. Julietta is the eldest at 20, and her younger sister Melinda is 12. They were both courted before they were one by their fathers friends' children but Julietta's fiance died when he was nine from a nasty virus. So she has been searching to set up her future since. And she has to do it with only her mothers help now that her father is dead. I am also sure that her mother only wants her to find a rich man because it's customary to offer money to the parents of the bride as a gift. But Melinda and her Husband to be are closer than close. Well as close as two twelve year olds can be.

Reaching the two story brown building with flowers under every window. I pick up a bunch of pebbles on the ground and start to throw them at Julietta's window that lies right above the entrance of the shop. After a few rocks Julietta came to the window and dodged the pebble I had just thrown by a hair. "Hey! Would you be careful!" Julietta whisper yelled down to me. "No, c'mon we have to talk about something!" I whisper yelled back. She groaned and closed the window. A few minutes later she was quietly sneaking out the front door. I grabbed her hand and started to run."Hey where are we going?!" She huffs out. "Anywhere!" I yelled back. I've always been a remarkably fast runner. My mother thinks I may be part wolf from how fast I run and I do enjoy feeling the wind in my hair and the earth on my feet. But if you're a wolf there is no hiding it. Even if you couldn't shift you would still have the wolf in your head. And no matter how many times I call out 'hello' in my head no one ever answers back so I decided to stop for my real sanity. I finally stopped running when Julietta was at the point of collapsing. We ended up in a field with wildflowers scattered around the ground. It was a gorgeous warm June night. Perfect for making life changing decisions. I collapsed on the ground. There was nothing better than staring at the moon in a vacant field on this warm breezy night. But would this be the last time I would see the moon from my little town that took me in and made this what I've known as home. But even though this is supposed to be home, I've always had a piece of emptiness in me.

"So I learned some things about my mother." Julietta shrieked and flopped on the ground next to me with her head held in her hands "OMG! Tell me everything!" I giggled at her. "My mother's name was Jewel, she lived in Kãstro, and she went missing a year before I was abandoned." Julietta gasped "Oh honey, I'm so sorry." I sighed, "I met her best friend, she is the new blacksmith's wife." she gasped again "You mean you met and know my future inlaws before I do? And did you see their hot son!" we both giggled. "So, if I want to know more about my mother and possible father I would have to leave." She didn't gasp this time. I looked towards her and she had tears streaming down her cheeks but a smile on her face nonetheless. "Then you must go." my eyes widened. "Really? What about all I'm leaving behind? You, MikHail, Mother, The shop." She stood up and grabbed my hand and roughly pulled me up with her. "BEX DELPHINE MONSTERA! You have searched and waited your entire life for this moment. And you are seriously considering throwing it away? We will ALWAYS be here. Your first home will ALWAYS be here. I will check in on Bella everyday. MikHail will help her make her runs. This town loves Bella and 'Belladonna's Potions & Remedies'. We will take care of her. Don't let your dream slip away until it's too late for answers." I was crying too at this point. This is my kindhearted best friend. I hugged her until she started to pat my back letting me know she needed air. I let her go and brushed her brownish red hair behind her ear. "Promise me, you won't let what is right in front of your face slip away because they aren't what you expected." She got a look of confusion but slowly nodded like she kind of did. But it's ok she will figure it out eventually. We smiled at each other and she grabbed my hand and started the journey back to her house. We walked silently. Everything that needed to be said was. I don't know where this journey will take me but have comfort knowing that I will always have a place here.

When we got back to her house we both embraced one last time and said our love you's. And today was the first time I was reluctant to let go of her. I have never had to wonder when the last time we hugged would be. When we finally parted and I started to head home I counted every step until I got to the place I grew up. Staring at the front door with sweaty palms. Once I walk in there my life will change forever. Who knows how long it will be before I see them again. I won't be there to listen and comfort MikHail when Julietta lets him down for the millionth time. He says it doesn't bother him anymore but everytime it happens it's all over his face. The one person he wants in the world doesn't want him back. He probably feels as rejected as me. And I don't know if it's better or worse to know the person who rejected you. But he relives it everyday. I don't know if I could handle that without someone to talk to. And Julietta, I love her dearly and I hope she finds who she wants to marry. But I also hope she opens her eyes to who has been in front of her this whole time. If her mother didn't burn the fact that money equals happiness in her head maybe she would act on the feelings she has deep down for him. No matter how many times she denies it, the way she looks at him is so innocent and pure, and she laughs at every one of his stupid jokes that nobody else finds funny. Hopefully she will listen to what I told her and stop caring about her mothers approval.

I took one last deep breath and decided to face my inevitable fate. The store was closed down for the night so I headed straight upstairs to the house. When I entered the house, my mother was at the stove cooking dinner. "Hello dear, I'm making your favorite roasted herb lamb rack and steamed root vegetables." my mouth waters at the thought of the tender lamb falling off the bone and the delicious savory vegetables that haunt my dreams. "Sit dear, it's just about done." I nodded and took a seat at our dark oak table that some idiot who was courting me made for us two years ago. His father was a wood carver and he was the eldest child meaning the business and fortune would have gone to him. But I think we know I don't like being courted. But this table and chair set I couldn't bare to part with. It truly was a whimsical work of art. Before I knew it, my mother was sitting across from me and there was a delicious plate of food in front of me. "So mother, umm something happened today."

"Oh, does it perhaps have something to do with your parents." This witch knows everything. "So you know?" She continues to eat her food like we aren't having a conversation. "I have an idea." Silently we just sit there and eat. When we are both finished we just stare at each other across the table. I sigh "Mother, I have to go on this adventure to find out as much as I can, and I don't know how long I'll be gone." She nods with tears in her eyes that she won't let fall, but smiles at me nonetheless. "I know dear." I let out the large breath I had been holding in. "Julietta and MikHail will look after you for me, and I will write every chance I get, and I will send you souvenirs from where I go, and tell you all I find." I wiped my own tears that were now falling down my face.

"I know my dear, you are an amazing young woman who I have had the wonderful opportunity to raise, I will pack you some things tonight for you to take for your journeys." I nod. Mother clears the dishes and I wash them. We spent the night just in each other's company in the living room talking about what I found out, and my childhood, and sweet memories until I dozed off to sleep.

I woke up with the sun as it was rising. I changed into loose clothes that would be comfortable for the journey and packed my bags with a couple pairs of clothes, a thin blanket, tinctures, remedies, and my journal that I have all my potions and recipes in.

When I went to the kitchen my mother was sitting at the table sipping coffee with a sling shoulder bag next to her. "Good morning dear!" I smiled because this may be the last time my mother greets me like this for at least a while. "Good morning mother!" I smiled back. I swooped down and kissed her cheek then poured myself a cup of coffee. I sat next to my mother and we sipped our coffee in silence. "So dear, I packed you this bag, it has some food that should hold well for a while, as well as some herbs and ingredients for balms and medical salves and such. As well as this." She held out what looked to be a big cuffed silver bracelet. "This was given to me by my teacher. She told me to pass it down to my best student, the student who I thought would change this accrued world for the better. And I think that you with the right guidance will make a lasting difference my darling." I smiled at her with tears in my eyes. Mother moved my sleeve up my arm and wrapped the cuff around my upper left arm.

But before you go we have to talk about something. "About what?" I asked her, and she pulled a baggie out of her pocket. It was filled with a red powder. "You must sprinkle this on your food." She handed me the baggie and I observed it. It doesn't look like an herb I've seen before, but there is still so much I don't know. "What is it?" she lets out a breath she was holding in. "It's powdered blood."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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