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(A/N): Basic navigation;

(Y/N) = your name

(N/N) = nickname


Sailing to Skull Crack Bay hadn't taken long. Afew days at most.

The Medusa sailed smoothly, and not a single problem had yet risen. You could see the familiar formation of rocks just ahead, the stones towering over the sea in an impressive formation.

The plan was to sail through the lagoon, and out to the otherside, then the journey to the Nothern Markets would continue.

You watched anxiously as Demire led the ship into the thin veil of mist that covered the water, part of you was second guessing your desicion. Not that you could say anything.

"Ready yourselves, crew!" You called, "We don't know what awaits us in these waters."

The ship was full of silent movement as the crew bussled about the ship, the only sounds were that of the water and the creaking wood.

The mist only seemed to get thicker the further into the lagoon you went, and you sent a silent prayer to the gods to show mercy for your naivety.

You had definitly underestimated the severity of the fog, which only made you wonder how bad it would be later into the season.

Your hands gripped at your cutlass tightly where it rested at your side, your heart beating quicker with every second of silence.

The boat rocked slightly, and you glanced over at your friend who shot you a nervouse smile before focusing back on the water ahead.

The ship rocked once again, and your grip on your cutlass tightened, "We aren't alone." you muttered, leaning over the side of the ship to scan the barely visible lagoon.

"Please do not say that." Demire mumbled, running a hand through his raven colored hair, "It was probably just a- a rock or something."

"What was it you said about scauldrons?" You asked quietly, backing away from the boats railing.

"That it was almost nesting season?"

You hummed, your shoulders tensing slightly, "Let's get out of this bay before we find out if you were right or not."

Demire nodded, continuing to steer around the many rock formations that littered the waters of the lagoon.

"Almost there." He muttered, taking a deep breath, "Thank the gods. This mist is giving me the willies."

You chuckled at his remark, resting a hand on his shoulder your eyes not straying from just ahead and the slight light that was breaking through the mist.

"Almost, Demy. You're doin' great." You said reassuringly, hoping to ease some of the tension.

It seems you succeded, but only for a moment, because the boat rocked for a third time. But this time with enough force to make you and several other people lose their footing.

You caught yourself on the railing, with a small gasp of surprise, "What the hell was that?"

Demire shook his head, glancing over at you with wide eyes, "I don't know." He muttered, "Are you alright?"

You nodded, but froze when you looked down and saw a fin break the waters surface.

"Hey, Demy?" You called, backing away from the edge and drawing your cutlass.

"Yeah, (N/N)?" He called back, and you turned to face him with a grimace.

"You were right about the scauldrons."

Demire muttered a silent curse under hus breath, his shoulders tensing. You turned to the deck, shouting orders to your crew as some very angry dragons rose from the water.

"Shield yourselves! Don't get hit by that water!" You shouted, shoving a shield into Demire's chest as you rushed to help your crew.

The ship was rocking all over the place, water splashing every surface of the wood, making it difficult to keep your footing.

"We need to lead them away from the ship!" You shouted, before your eyes caught on one of the two life boats that hung from the Medusa's side.

"Do not even think about it, (Y/N)!" Demire shouted, unable to leave the wheel for a second lest the ship turn over in the water.

"This is my fault, Demire! I'll fix it, meet me at the Northern Markets! If I don't show up in at least a two weeks, then this ships legacy is in your hands!" You shouted back, tossing a crate of fish into the life boat, before hopping in yourself, and bringing your blade up to the rope that kept it from falling.

"Two weeks!" You shouted once again, Demire and the crew's shouts of protest falling on deaf ears as you cut the rope.

The boat dropped to the water, and you began tossing fish into the water while rowing away as quickly as one girl could.

You watched as the scauldrons abandoned their assault on the Medusa in favor of coming after your small boat for food.

You quickly tossed the crate of fish as far away from you as possible, watching with a small sense of triumph as the scauldrons swarmed towards the chum.

You watched the Medusa grow further and further away from your sight, unable to turn back for you lest they re-draw the attention of the scauldrons. You were just able to make out Demire's figure along the edge of the boat as your's floated further out to sea...


Now listen, we aren't gonna talk about some of the obvious plot holes, so shush. This is all perfectly logical and there are abosultely no other ways to go about losing the scauldrons. (she said not at all sarcastically)

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