*/~Girl Talk~\*

98 6 2

Basic Navigation:

(Y/N) = your name


The island was pretty.

The view was incredible.

Like a perfect frame for your beautiful sea.

It looked even better now that it's dark than it did during the short tour you'd recieved.

You were sitting just outside Astrid's hut, which is where you were offered to sleep. You couldn't decipher if it was because she liked you, or she's the best option to to knock you out.

Maybe both.

You sighed as you watch the sea shift in it's mesemerizing way. You wished you could be enjoying the water on your ship.

Sleeping always came as a trouble to you without the water lulling you to sleep. A side-effect of being raised on a boat you suppose.

Pros and cons.

"There you are." Comes Astrid's voice from behind you, "I thought you'd left already."

"To be fair, I wouldn't get very far." You mumble, raising your injured leg, which Fishlegs, as you learned hid name was, took the grace of putting in a splint.

You glance back at her, and she smiles, "Mind if I sit?" She asks, and you nod, patting the rough planks in the spot next to you.

"So. What's got you up?" Astrid asks quietly, moving her gaze to watch the ocean like you were.

"Just trouble sleeping is all." You murmur with a slight shrug, "I figured a minute out here would help. Hasn't done much though."

Astrid nods, leaning back with her palms against the planks, "I get it. You're in a new place surrounded by complete strangers after a shipwreck. I'd be a bit uneasy too."

She pauses, looking over at you with a small smile, "So you're a pirate, huh? As in the whole, looting and pillaging thing?"

"Isn't that a viking thing too?" You ask with a snort, "But yeah. I'm a captain. We usually only take from people who deserve it. We find their routes, raid their ships and sell the goods."

Astrid looks thoughtful, her voice still quiet, "People who deserve it? Like who?"

"Dragon trappers and hunters mostly. The occasional greedy con man." You remark non-chalantly, "My family's been doing it for generations."

"Wait, did you says dragon hunters?" Astrid asks quickly, suddenly perking up.

"Uhm. Yeah, why?" You say with a slight frown.

"Have you heard of a guy named Viggo Grimborn?"

"Grimborn?" You ask, pausing to think for a moment, "That does sound familiar..."

An idea pops into your head. Your dad's journal. You definitly heard the name from there.

You stand with a small grunt, limoing back into Astrid's cabin quickly, with the blonde following close behind.

"My dad wrote something about that name. Where is it.." You mumble, snatching the journal, and flipping quickly through the pages.

"Here. 'Grimborn is causing problems again. If he continues making trouble for me and the crew, he'll have more to deal with than losing his precious cargo...'" You read out slowly, "My dad was having trouble with a Grimborn. Wether it was this Viggo guy.. I don't know.."

You frown, thumbing through the pages to find another mention of the name 'Grimborn', but there's nothing. No other mention.

"What does he mean by, 'his precious cargo'?" Astrid asks softly.

"Probably dragons." You says, closing the book with a frown, "My family's been freeing them for years. My great-grandpa hated trappers."

Astrid nods, her own expression thoughtful, "Have you ever seen Viggo? In person I mean."

"No. I've never even heard of this Viggo guy. Maybe in passing, but never enough to, like, note the name." You says, shaking your head, "Sorry."

"No, it's okay." Astrid says with a sigh, "That's more than I thought you'd have to be honest. You said you have dragon hunter shipping routes."

"They're all on my ship." You remark with a frown, "I can.. I can show you when we go to the Nothern Market."

"That'd be amazing actually." Astrid says with a small smile, thunder booms from outside, making you jump, and also wakes Stormfly, followed by a quick flash of lighting, "But that's not going to be for a while." She sighs.

"Oh, Thor, why do you hate me so?" You groan, listening to the rain pound against the walls of the hut.

Astrid laughs, sitting next to you on the wooden floor, and Stormfly curling up like a giant scaley pillow behind the two of you.

"Get some sleep, (Y/N)." She says, nudging your shoulder, "We'll see how clear it is tommorrow. Who knows, maybe we'll get you back to your ship."

You nod, leaning back into the warmth of the large dragon behind you, "Who knows." You repeat, before allowing the patter of the rain to lull you to sleep, the comfort of your new friend easing your ticking mind.


(A/N): So sorry for the lack of update! Life got a bit busy, but I'm still posting! Just know updates will be a but slow!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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