welcome to new york

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we flew to new york, sleeping almost the whole flight. occasionally, jack would kiss my forehead and play with my hair as i was sleeping.
"mhm." i mumble.
"our flight landed, let's go." i get off of him and stand up to get my carry on from the top shelf.
he grabs his also. we walk out together, being met with a few cameras and people asking questions. jack wraps an arm around my shoulders, kissing the side of my head.
"jack, sir!"
"jack, is she pregnant?"
"jack how long have you been hiding her from us?"
"jack, did you know anastasia has had many many boyfriends before you?! she's basically a whore!"
that one question set him off. jack charges through to the crowd to get to some young guy in the back who asked the question.
"jack, please!" i yell and he stops.
jack turns his head and grabs me before getting into the black suv, that was waiting for us. i look to see our luggage from the baggage claim was already in the back and the driver drove away from the cameras and people quickly.
"i hope you know you're mine." jack mumbles, kissing my forehead then my lips with a little bit of force.
"of course, jack." i whisper back. i lean my head on his shoulder, sighing loudly.
i put out my phone and snap a picture of us for my snapchat story. i caption it, "no flash photography!" we both laugh and sit in a comfortable silence until we got to jack's apartment.
it was late and we both caught up on sleeping on the airplane.
"go change baby and come back out to the living room." he comes up behind me and says that quietly in my ear. i nod with a small shiver going through my body.
i go and change into something comfy and not sexy. I change into a pair of white lace panties and a black tank top.
i pull my short hair into a ponytail with a few strands of hair hanging around my face.
"anastasia!" jack yells. i walk out of our room and into the living room.
"hi, come sit."
i lay down next to him on the couch while he flips through netflix. he starts the unfinished episode we were on from earlier today of the show freaks and geeks.
throughout the span of a few episodes, jack falls sleep. i cup his jaw in one of my hands, carefully not to wake him up. i kiss his lips lightly and smile as his lips turn from a cute frown into a light smile.
"I love this." I mumble, laying my head back down on his chest. his arm around me tightens and slowly i fall asleep.
i wake up really late to hear the sound of jack playing with some beats.
"i want you to be mine again baby." jack sings along to the fetty wap song. it was cold so i wrap a blanket around me and stand in the doorway of a random room full of equipment, connected to the living room.
he plays with the pitch of the rapper's voice before sighing. jack simply closes his computers and turn to me. he doesn't speak, gesturing to me to sit down on his lap. i go, straddling his waist while he sits on the chair.
"morning gorgeous." he whispers, kissing my cheek.
"morning love." i say back. his arms wrap around my waist and i wrap my arms around his neck with a small laugh.
"what?" he ask.
i turn in his lap and lift the computer screen back up. it was still on what he was doing before.
"look, i don't know how to use this software stuff." i giggle. "but mix in another fetty wap song with it. see take the god damn part from his song trap queen and place it before the lyric i want you to be mine again baby"
he watches me as i try to do it on the computer. i change the pitch real quick and make it blend.
"listen." i mumble.
"god damn, i want you to be mine again baby." the computer plays out.
"maybe if you keep blending the songs together and throw in a couple bass drops, you would have a hit." i laugh.
i turn back around in his lap and he stares at me.
"you're amazing. you're honestly so rad." jack says, kissing my lips repeatedly.
"that sounded so good. you're so right, you're so fucking right." he says. "what if i mix his song, my way, into it also. this could be a fucking hit song anastasia!" jack gets excited, kissing me again but for longer. i move my lips with his happily.
"god, you're the best." he mumbles against my lips. i get off of his lap and laugh.
"have fun." i say, walking off. i shut the door, hearing him clip songs.
i start unpacking my luggage into the closet and drawers. after i finished that, i help unpack jack's things.
i was sitting on the floor, putting his things into a drawer when he came in. jack leaned against the door frame and grin.
"wow you're my everything." he mumbles softly, leaning down to my level.
I shake my head quickly and he grabs my jaw.
"no stop. you mean so much to me, you are my world. thank you for your help earlier." his lips hesitate in front of mine then press against mine with little to no force at all.
"you're welcome." i smile, after I pulled away

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