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we flew to indio, cali the next week after we met jack. all three of us pile into a uber as my phone dings.
" @ djjackgilinsky indio!! coachella! Here we are baby!"
i retweet it, putting my phone into my pocket. we arrive in front of a nice hotel. we grab our bags and check into a suite we three paid for.
"alright my room, later bitches." i take the first bedroom, flopping into the bed. after a couple hours of laying and watching tv, jess texts in the group conversation with dylan and I.
[from: bad ass jessssi] club tonight, who's in?
[from: me] definitely in! what club??
[from bad ass jessssi] indio lights!
[from: dylan bby] ready 2 get drunk!
i laugh and start to get ready. jack actually texts me while i'm straightening my hair.
[from jack] ana where are you
[from: me] going clubbing.
[from: jack] where? i miss u
[from: me] indio lights, come find me xx
i ignore the next message, pulling on a tight black dress and black shoes. i look in the mirror before meeting dylan and jess outside my room.
"hot babe!" jess laughs.
"look at you love!" i say back, hugging her. dylan follows behind us into the elevator then to a uber. i check the time and look at three messages. 10:15pm.
[from: jack] alright baby.
[from: jack] here w my boys
[from: jack] come to the vip section when u come, just the 3 of u guys.
the uber drops us off and we walk inside as the man scans our fake ids. we were all 20, close to 21.
"ms. knight?" the bouncer ask.
i nod. "anastasia knight." i mumble. he points to a roped off section. i walk in there with jess and dylan following.
"hey." jack kisses my forehead lightly. he smiles at jess and dylan, before wrapping an arm around my waist bringing towards a couch.
"whatcha want?" he ask.
"sex on the beach." i say, leaning my head against his chest. he tells a waiter, who makes it rather quickly. he hands it to me, thanking him.
"what did you do this week, i wasn't with you?" jack mumbles in my ear, moving me onto his lap.
"nothing. slept, ate, looked into more concerts." i reply back, looking up at him. he chuckles, moving his hand through his hair slightly.
"you are pretty big." I mention referring to his fame.
"what you mean?" he ask, lighting a cigarette. he blows the smoke away from my face.
"you are insanely famous, i googled you." i giggle.
"ah, it's nothing." he mumbles, turning his head to look at the crowd.
"yeah okay." i roll my eyes playfully. i lean against his chest, watching jess and dyl dance with each other.
"would i see you tomorrow?" he ask after a silence between us. his hand move on top of mine, making me smile.
"of course, but how?"
"come backstage whenever, say your my girl or something?" he smirks. i take a sip of my drink, giggling.

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