Midnight comfort

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Ranboo sat on the rooftop.

The rooftop was outlined with fences that wrapped around it, covered by string lights, bean bags and a dog bed incase Vanilla came were gathered around a small table where Ranboo's phone laid, an umbrella that covered the table and beanbags more than it should've, and the plants that were gathered around the fences.

Nobody would go there unless if there was an occasion.

Tiffany would only go if her and her friends wanted somewhere to hang out, only to find it annoying that you could hear the cars racing past.

Matthew only goes on it on the 4th of July to watch the fireworks, looking in awe as the fireworks filled the night sky.

Charlie never really cared for the rooftop.

Ranboo, however, loved the rooftop.

No matter what occasion, he just loved going on it.

The sounds of racing cars passing by.

Watching the windows as the lights flicker off.

Hearing the sounds of the soft foot steps.

It was all so silent.

Yet so loud.

Ranboo watched the stars slowly move, bringing their legs up to their chest.

Ranboo watched the planes that seemed to be moving so slow but yet moving so fast.

A starry night in Brighton.

That's when Ranboo heard soft footsteps.

"Oh- Hello Vanilla!" Ranboo said joyfully, petting their dog as it sat next to them.

"Vanilla's not the only one." Charlie spoke from behind the 2, taking a seat next to Ranboo.

"Hey Charlie! Uh.. Why are you guys here..?" Ranboo questioned softly as Vanilla went on his dog bed.

"Great question. Although I have a question for you." Charlie took a small black thing with stars painted on it along with a box of Marlboro reds and set it on the table.

"What the hell is this?" Turns out, the black thing was Ranboo's lighter that he painted little stars on it with Danny.

"What the hell were you doing in my room?!" Ranboo asked, not yelling but loud enough.

Ranboo took the box of cigarettes and lighter and shoved it in their jacket pocket.

"I was in your room to give you your pencil case thay you left in my room. Which is why im asking one more time, Ranboo. Why do you have fucking cigarettes and a lighter?"

Ranboo went silent.

"Look, kid, I'm not mad, I just wanna know why. Is it because you think it feels good? Do you think it makes your problems go away? Is it because your friends do it?"

Ranboo swallowed.

"All three.." Ranboo spoke quietly, not making eye contact since they would be too ashamed to even look at Charlie.

Ranboo then felt something warm wrap around them.

Charlie's arms.

"Look, kid.. I thought you knew. You shouldn't be smoking. I'm sorry for whatever is going on at school or something.. But I promise.. You can talk to me.." Charlie said softly, as the other started tearing up.

"Hey..! Wipe those tears away.. Save 'em." Charlie smiled as Ranboo wiped away their tears with their sleeve.

"Im- I'm sorry.." Ranboo laughed quietly.

"It's alright, kid." Charlie said, laughing quietly with the other.




"It's raining.." Ranboo pointed out as Vanilla came to the 2, whimpering quietly.

"It's ok, Vanilla.." Ranboo chuckled while Charlie started petting him.

"Cigarette?" Ranboo offered, taking one out.

"Ranboo! No!" Charlie laughed as Ranboo put on in their mouth.

"Too late." Ranboo laughed, bringing the lighter up.

Ranboo blew out a cloud of smoke.

"Holy shit- Why is that so- Like- How do you explain it?"


Charlie smiled, hearing Ranboo finishing his sentence.

"Yeah.. Comforting." Charlie repeated as Ranboo blew our another cloud.

"It's because it is comforting." Ranboo chuckled as Vanilla seemed to sit on the other bean bag.

The tiny drops of rain slowly ran down the umbrella, hitting the ground gently.

Ranboo blew another cloud of smoke.

The smoke seemed to blow away with a breeze of wind.

The smoke was comforting.

And so was the night.

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