An apology

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"What the hell do you mean you pushed Ranboo in the pool?!" Molly asked, anger filling her voice.

"I know- it's sounds wron-" Tommy was interrupted before he could finish.

"Sounds wrong?! Tommy, that IS wrong! You KNOW they can't swim!" Molly shouted as her words echoed through the empty classroom.

"I wasn't thinking, Molly!"

"Of course you weren't!" Molly shouted with the same angry expression.

"Hey guys! What's u-" A short brunette entered only to be cut off by both of the blondes.

"Shut up, Tubbo!" The 2 yelled in sync, not even taking the time to look at the boy.

Until Molly did.


"Uh.. Hi..!" Devon spoke nervously.

"Wait. Back up. Why are YOU here, and what the hell happened at the party?!" Molly yelled, pointing at Devon.

"Alright.. So I found him standing alone in the halls and thought I should let him hang out with us.. And I'll let Tommy answer that one." Tubbo answered, letting Tommy deal with the rest.

"Seriously?!" Tommy screamed as Tubbo and Devon sat down in one of the desks.

"Go on. I wanna hear what else you did." Molly demanded, looking Tommy dead in his eyes.

"I didn't do anything else! I promise!" Tommy yelled defensively.

"Well. You know what to do." Molly said, letting out a breathy sigh.

"Uh. No, I dont!"

Molly scoffed.

"Apologize dumbass!"

"No! They started it!"

Tubbo looked up.

"The hell do you mean? YOU started it!"

"Dude!" Tommy yelled out.

"Well, go on.." Molly paused, making it seem dramatic without intention.


Tommy gulped, "Yes ma'am.." He mumbled, trying not to choke out of nervousness.

"Great. Door's that way. They should be in the library or on the stairs." Molly directed as Tommy left.

Tommy took a step out and knew he was done for.

He took one straight, one right, then straight to the stairs.

There stood Ranboo and their friend group of 4.

"Hey Ranboo.." Tommy said, trying his best not to mumble.

"What do you want?" Danny snarled, knowing damn well what happened at the party.

"I wanna talk to Ranboo. Alone.." Tommy knew that it was best not to embarrass himself in front of Ranboo's friends with his apology.

"Anything you wanna say to me. You can say it to them." Ranboo gestured to the other 4.

Tommy took a breathy sigh before talking.

"I'm sorry, Ranboo. For.. For everything."

Ranboo scoffed.

"Wow. Words. Definitely helps."

Tommy looked down, not knowing what to feel.

Embarrassed? Sad? He didn't know.

"I'm kidding, dumbass." Ranboo spoke, trying not to make Tommy feel any more bad.

"Wait.. So we can be friends?" Tommy asked, tilting his head a little.

"Oh. No. Maybe in another life." Ranboo smiled softly.

"It's ok. Thank you." Tommy smiled as he turned around.

Going back to the class, he didn't know what to feel.

Sad because his 5th grade friend didn't wanna be friends?

Angry since he could do nothing more?

He didn't know.

Suddenly he felt tears in his eyes.

Tommy smiled.

Tommy opened the door.

"H-hey guys." He choked out, trying to stop the tears from forming.

"Oh.. Tom.. what happened?" Molly asked, walking over.

Soft footsteps were heard, Tubbo and Devon.

"It's nothing.. I-I don't know why I'm crying.. He forgave me and everything.." Tommy said, wiping his tears once more.

"It's ok, that's what matters." Tubbo said, pulling the other into a side hug before sitting him in a chair nearby.

"Hungry?" Devon asked, pulling out a granola bar for Tommy since he didn't know how to comfort him.

"Yeah.. Thanks.." Tommy mumbled before taking the granola bar from him.

That's when Tommy realised.

He didn't need Ranboo.

Ranboo forgave him.

That's all he was gonna get.

He really only needed the people standing by him.

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