My QnA!

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank everyone for 1.4K reads! I couldn't have done this without all of ur dares and encouraging messages! Now as I have promised exactly 1 year ago, I will be finally able to answer your questions! But if you have been wondering where I was, I just wanted to say that the past year has been a big wreck. My grandmother gotten sick and was diagnosed with lung cancer, so I have been accompanying my mother to the hospital to take care of her. I also started singing a lot at some local schools and entering competitions. I come home everyday at 12am and had to complete homework and revise for my exams( just passed). I hope you all understand and cooperate. I will not be updating for some time since I will be busy. But, If I do, please stay tuned. tysm:) 

A: Oh yes I have many siblings but most of them are boys

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A: Oh yes I have many siblings but most of them are boys. If I am not wrong, I have at least 29 cousin brother and sisters, 20 younger cousins, and 2 younger sibings. I am the oldest in the family( apparently.....) So when I say the amount of siblings and relatives can fill up at least 6 basketball courts, I'm not lyin. We ' breed' like gnomes ( Harry Potter qoute:D)

A: My parents are not famous, so you will not find them anywhere on the web🤣 But they're names and Felicia Lim and Nelson

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A: My parents are not famous, so you will not find them anywhere on the web🤣 But they're names and Felicia Lim and Nelson.

Now, we will start with questions mostly asked on my Instagram page

Q: Whats your age? 

A: I am currently 12 and I will join high school next year 


Q: What are your hobbies?

A: I quite enjoy singing and sometimes I will act a bit in operas and plays.


Q: What are your occupations? 

A:  I may consider being a Dermatologist, an Actress or being a Singer/Songwriter.


Q: Which singer do you like the most?

A: Girl: Taylor swift
     Boy: James Authur

Q: Do you play any musical instruments?

A: I mostly play the accordion but I also play the acoustic guitar and Ukulele.


Q: Are you in any school clubs for groups?

A: Yes! I am in choir, scout, library club, book club.


Q: Do you have a crush? Whats his/her name?

A: I do have one, everyone does. As for the name, I can't tell you.


Q: What can I do if I have a crush? 

A: If you are an introvert, try getting to know him. Who knows? Maybe he is also shy to talk to you. If you are extrovert, Try getting his attention and when he approaches you and wants to talk, try flirting a bit. But also make a good impression, grooming is a MUST!


Q: Can I be your friend?

A: Sure! You r all welcome!



I think I covered the questions. Don't you? I hope you all are being good and staying safe. 
Keep sending in more questions. Don't feel shy and if you all want advice, I'm also free to assist! See you all Next time!


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