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After coming from that neighborhood Hoeseok went inside his shop, he was breathing unevenly he went towards the cupboard and took out a locket from it after wearing that he felt a bit relaxed, he went towards his seat and plopped himself on the chair.

"what was that?? I'm sure that something is wrong there! Because of my sensitive sense towards unnatural things, it affects me more but never anything affect me this much the way that energy affected me today it was really a strong negative energy!!"

He mumble to himself and open a book and start reading it but his mind was filled with some other thoughts.

"Why so sudden?? Did someone dies there?? Or someone cursed that place ??will it be okay for Taehyung to keep living there?! Maybe it get dangerous for him  since he live alone there  I can't tell this to jimin he will panick for sure and will come here leaving everything!!"

What should I do?? Should I wait for it to leave it on it's own ???? But what if it's really something evil starting to reside there!"

He started thinking gripping his book if someone else hear him they may think he got insane or just overthinking but from his past experiences his instinct telling him that this is something bad ,

" i could handle it on my own if it was just some weak negative energy but that kind energy i felt today seems to be too strong if it's mere presence can make an whole neighborhood that suffocated then what happens when it'll affect solely on a particular someone??  What should I do??"

With those concerning thoughts he stood up from his chair and went to the same cupboard to find a book to find a solution for it but a certain picture fall from it he picked up the picture and stared at it .

" I wish you would be here , with you I would be able to handle this, we were the best duo weren't we?? but everything changed now, it's useless to think about the old days ,I don't think you even remember me! but I still miss you , don't know where are you!?are you doing okay! I hope someday we'll meet again"

he said to the picture in which two teenage boys we standing together looking happy,he caressed the picture softly and put it back inside the book .

"Let's not think about him! my first priority is Taehyung's safety! as far as I sense it will be not good for him to stay there with that negative energy , i will visit his landlord and tell him to make Taehyung leave that place so I can arrange safe place for him , until the neighborhood is safe from that energy".

He said to himself clasping his palm eyes determined to protect the other from this unknown danger .

Next morning:

(Taehyung's neighborhood)

At the dawn of morning when it's should be a fresh and cheerful start this neighborhood's environment was dark and gloomy because of something or we can say someone's influence.

As a daily routine an old man was sweeping the area, cleaning the sewage and other things after his cleaning process he went toward the garbage boxes to collect yesterday's garbage , but when he come near the garbage area a very strong pungent smell hit his nose , giving him an urge to puke his stomach out.

"What is this!!?" Why these dead bodies of cat and dogs lying here ?? Is their any disease which spread among them or someone killed them?! Whatever happened to them it's really bad! poor cat and dogs".

He said to no one but to himself, and put those bodies carefully on a seperate black garbage bag , he was about to go but something held him back he turn around and started walking toward the corner as if he was hypnotized by something which attracting him toward itself.

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