Chapter 1 - Pilot

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Kiara walks through the halls of Istituto De Roma when she runs into a crowd of students surrounding and cheering something that she couldn't see. She decides to squeeze in through the crowd until she manages to see why everyone is surrounding it . It's her bestfriends, Dalia and Rafaela fighting with some troublemakers, Alessandro and Damiano.

Kiara thinks twice if she's going to help her bestfriends in the fight. She decides to join in the fight to help her bestfriends. A few moments later, Vincenzo makes an appearance during the fight. He looks at the unfair fight and decides to join in the fight to make it equal.

Before they could win and reign as the victor of the fight, they were interrupted by an annoyed clear of the throat that caught the room's attention with all eyes on the owner of the voice.

It was Mr. Fiore, looking quite displeased. "1-hour detention, all of you. See me at my office after class. Rafaela, Vincenzo, Damiano, go to the infirmary. Rest of you, with me."

It was short and simple, but no one amongst the students dared to defy his word.

And just like that, the fight dispersed and the students went their separate ways. Some feel inclined to mutter their 'sorrys' while they still could.

Vincenzo, Rafaela, and Damiano walked to the infirmary. The halls were standard for an institute, painted down with slate gray. But plenty of scribbles of ink and marker helped make it less of a bore. The floor tiles were dirty, with footprints all over and dirt embedded in its gaps.

A deep cleaning was long overdue, and it wouldn't surprise them if it was their punishment to give it one.


Vincenzo looked down to see his fists, swelling red. His legs ached with each step to the infirmary, and he was sure that the red bruise on his face was turning purple.

He turns to the side where Damiano and Rafaela was, they sported similar injuries. He could see that Damiano could barely hold back a glare towards her, while she had no problems stopping her from childishly sticking her tongue out at them.

"Seriously?" Vincenzo sneered, unimpressed, "I truly hope you two know what you're doing. It's aggravating, really. Getting into fights left, right, up, down, and center."

Rafaela said, a pinched expression on her face, "Oh, yeah? Talking as if you're innocent..."

"Well, guess what?" She threw her hands up, widely gesturing to the surroundings around them. "I'm about to give you an enlightening that'll last a lifetime!"

She spat her words like poison, staring at them with narrowed eyes and a face red with anger, "You're just as bad as every pigeon-faced moron in this school, so quit trying to deny it. Bet it felt real good too, being able to use your fists like the stupid brute you are!"

"Uncalled for, Rafaela." Damiano said, with a sharp tone. "Always knew you couldn't keep your trap shut to save your own life."

"Is that supposed to be a threat, 'Coupon Billy'?"

"What- what does that even mean?"

Infuriating, the both of them.
They continued to bicker on and on, with the addition of one extra clown to make the hallways louder than they've ever been in a long while. And before they knew it, they arrived to the infirmary.

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