Chapter 2

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Kiara, Dalia, Alessandro and Marco sneaked out of class before their subject teacher sees them cutting classes. They made sure that they are not being watched by someone or anyone and snitched them to any of the school authorities.

"De Luca, if we got caught and put in detention, I'll be blaming you even if you're a girl!"

Alessandro shouted across the hallway which was very loud and Kiara quickly went towards Alessandro and covers his mouth.

"We wouldn't be getting caught if you kept your voice down!"

Kiara whispered to him with an angry tone.

"Woah! Woah! Alessandro, Kiara, I don't mean to disturb you but we must put our difference aside and just work together."

Dalia advised them with a calming tone. Both, Alessandro and Kiara rolled eyes on each other.

"I don't think cutting classes is allowed in this Institute..."

Marco said with a worrying voice. He doesn't want to get in trouble in his first day in the Institute.

Kiara calmly approached Marco and she lays her hand on his shoulder, with a careful smile on her face. But Marco's face was a slight red.

Was he sick? Kiara thought.

"You don't have to worry, Marco. I know that they will understand why you are roaming around the Institute."

Kiara rubs his shoulder lightly and signals everyone to follow her on the last hallway before they reached the infirmary.

Once they reached the infirmary door, Kiara looked at Marco, Alessandro and Dalia and starts whispering.

"Before I twist the knob of the infirmary door, don't make much noises. Nurse Pelegrino is just at the Nurses' station."

Marco and Dalia agreed with Kiara, but when it comes to Alessandro, he doesn't trust her.

"How are you so sure that Nurse Pelegrino is in the Nurses' station, De Luca, huh?"

Alessandro spoke up with his cocky accent kicking in.

"Because she is a nurse, you dimwit! Common sense!"

She raises her voice against Alessandro.

"Anyways, lets start looking for them. Before Nurse Pelegrino sees us."

They went to check every single room for their friends, and they stopped at the last room. Alessandro takes the first step and knocks on the door.

After a few seconds, Rafaela opened the door to them. When Dalia and Kiara saw Rafaela opening the door, they pushed Alessandro aside the doorway and hugs Rafaela.

"Woah! What are you guys doing here? I thought you all are in the middle of the class?"

Rafaela asked with a concerned tone.

"Long story short..."

Marco replied back to Rafaela's question. Rafaela looked confused for a second and looks at Marco. Vincenzo rolls his eyes when he saw a student that he has never seen before. Damiano looks at his friend, Vincenzo and asked him.

"Who is that guy?"

"I don't know his name and I don't want to know his name."

Vincenzo answered back coldly.

"And I don't want him around Kia"

Vincenzo added.

Alessandro approached Vincenzo and Damiano who are badly injured but recovering.

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