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the G.E.M.S Van drives to the place, 

"So what's the plan again" Toy Bonnie asks , 

"we are acting as a decoy drawing the Phantoms away , so Major, Bloke and Dad can sneak in and get Afton" Amy explained , 

"and what if they get to this Van" Toy Chica asks , 

"Just pretend you don't know where Major is we can't mess this up" Amy says , 

"Just stick to the plan and everything should go smooth" Bonnie says , 

"you really think this will work" Ennard asks , 

"Yes , i do, it has to" Amy says , she looks to Bonnie and he looks to Her , Amy smiles a little , then the Van stops ,

 "why did we stop" Toy Chica asks, 

 "it must be working" Amy says , then the sound of Banging and screaming is heard , 

"they must be looking now" Bonnie says then the sound of gunshots is heard , then it stops talking is being heard as well , 

"Guys we think we're under attack " Ennard says , 

"Yeah mate we weren't thinking the same thing" Bonnie said 

"they really want to scrap now , they really want a piece of this" Toy Bonnie says , 

"I've been waiting all night for this Let's do it" Toy Chica says , 

"maybe we shouldn't"  Amy said 

"oh you guys always resulting to Violence" Bonnie says , 

"Bonnie we know you aren't one to put up a fight but don't worry we'll be your Left hand Man" Ennard says then he laughs , 

"Ennard Really" Amy says , 

"Very funny I'll give you points for Originality oh wait no I wont" Bonnie says , 

then the door opens and everyone runs out and ends up falling on the ground , 

"Crap" Bonnie says ,

 Amy looks up and is surprised to see Chica and nightmare Bonnie standing next to the phantoms , 

"Hey look who it is" Chica says , 

"he's not here either" Mangle asks , 

"who" Toy Chica asks ,

 "where is the one you call Major" Foxy asks, ,

"tell me this where is the one you call Springtrap" Bonnie asks , 

"Stabbing us in the back after everything we've been through what happened to our friendship and trust" Amy asks ,

 Mangle looks to her and shakes her head , 

"we're just doing what needs to be done , there are just something's you don't understand and aren't willing to understand , Amy" Mangle says , 

then the Phantoms Teleport away the Animatronics get up and walk around looking for the phantoms, Amy also looks around for the phantoms , then a van is heard driving off , Nightmare Bonnie looks around and sees Bloke and James standing there everyone sees him and walk over to him , "Hey Dad" Amy says , "hey are you alright" James asks , "yeah it worked , and the phantoms are gone" Amy says , "You, You let him get away!" Nightmare Bonnie exclaimed angrily walking to Bloke , "Major is taking care of it" Bloke says , "wait a minute you didn't get laid off did you" Chica asks , "what no I didn't get laid off" Bloke says , "it looks more like he ditched us to me" James said  "he just needs us  here making sure one's like your friend over there aren't killing our entire troop" Bloke says gesturing to Chica , Amy looks to her Chica rolls her eyes "I don't want to hear it" She says ,

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