1. The Test

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"You're going to make us late, Ash," Blaise groaned impatiently from the bottom of the stairs. I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily. "I'm going as fast as I can," I muttered under my breath.

It was a lie though, I wasn't going as fast as I could. In fact, I was going as slow as I could to avoid going to the clinic for as long as I possibly could.

"Hey, hurry up," my sister, Nina said coming to stand at the doorway to my room. "I'm tired of hearing Blaise call your name."

I let my foot slam on the ground after I finished tying my shoes and looked at my sister, rolling my eyes. "I'm going, okay?" I pushed past her to the stairs meeting my twin at the bottom. "Why'd you take so long?" he asked, basically bouncing with excitement. 

I honestly don't know how he could be this excited to get pricked with a needle just to wait a week to get the results of a stupid test that told you where you stood in society.

But of course, Blaise had nothing to be scared of unlike me because one he wasn't scared of needles, and two he was a full-blown alpha, it was obvious. He did not need a stupid test to tell him that.

I on the other hand had no idea what mine would tell me.

"Ready boys?" our dad asked, looking at us through the rearview mirror. Blaise nodded excitedly but I could only manage a mere smile back through the mirror.

"Ash, was something wrong honey? You took longer than I expected you to."

Longer than Mother expected me to take because I was telling everyone, falsely, that I was excited about this stupid test like my brother was.

That fact could be farthest from the truth, I'm nervous, actually I'm anxious. I'm not sure that my test is going to show that I am an alpha like Blaise.

Yeah, twins, ninety-eight percent of the time get the same results but I had a bad feeling and don't know how our father will react when we get our results back.

Our father, Grant St. James was a pure alpha male and so was his father and his father's father and so on. He was all about teaching us about how an alpha would handle things and was proud of his sons for all of our achievements. 

Blaise and I are the first set of twins in the St. James family and all our relatives were so happy when we were born, that our family would have two strong alpha males that followed after our dad and possibly take over his very successful company as our own.

I could feel all these thoughts picking at my soul as I looked out the window at the passing trees.

What if I let them down? What if I was a beta... or an omega?

I cleared my throat before replying to my mom but my twin took the opportunity to answer for me. "He's scared of needles, that's why he was taking so long." he chuckled. I should never told Blaise that I was frightened of needles. "I- no, I couldn't find my shoes," I stuttered, then looked down at my feet. 

"Yeah, I'm sure. Omega," Blaise teased, poking at my arm.

I growled at my brother.

"Enough," Father said, staring at the both of us before I could retaliate. "There's no reason as to why you two shouldn't get the same results as each other. Now stop fighting." he glared at the both of us through the mirror.

I couldn't help but feel like Dad was speaking to me even more than Blaise, that somehow he felt or knew I was nervous.


Once we got into the clinic I looked around, nervously. Everyone in this waiting room would be waiting to take the A-B-O test or in other words get pricked by a super long needle that would inject pheromones into soft spots on their bodies, then get their blood drawn with another needle.

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