Tribes of Etherius

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Now we actually get into the Tribes!


Description: Bulky, furred, adapted to the cold dragons. The almost resemble polar bears if it wasn't for the shapes of their bodies, long tails and furred wings. They have two large teeth protruding from their bottom jaw. Their eyes can be shades of blue and purple, while their fur can be any shade from white through black, with any kind of markings. They also have large paws the make it harder for them to grab things. Large, ram-like horns. They can be names after shades on the greyscale and colors like that, or ice related things, or something more Nordic. Fifth largest tribe in Etherius.

Abilities: They can withstand high temperatures and easily handle freezing waters, excellent swimmers and they can hold their breath for up to an hour. They handle warm temperatures less well, due to their thick fur. They also have an extremely powerful bite. They have no known special abilities. Cannot have animus.

Queen: Freyja

Queen: Freyja

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Description: Thin fur over thick skin, with large wings that resemble that of a pterosaur, as they connect to their front arms like a wyvern. Their horns vary in shapes and sizes, usually resembling a bull. Bulky, with a similar head-shape to a cow or bull. Shorter tails than most dragons, and their colors can be anything that can be on a cow, they also have goat-like pupils. Their back feet have hooves. Third largest dragons Etherius. May be named after farming things, or something to do with strength, or maybe even fire if they have the ability to use it.

Abilities: Amazing farmers, and they are very strong. They can carry up to ten times their own weight. Rarely, they may tend to breathe fire, but it is not a common ability, and if they can, they are treated extremely well among the Bullwings. They are also able to withstand extreme weather conditions. They also have strong necks and skulls for headbutting. Can have animus.

King: King Diablo

King: King Diablo

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