clan relationships

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### Thunderclan
- **Trusts**: Riverclan
- **Neutral**: Shadowclan
- **Enemies**: Windclan
- **Attitude Toward Outsiders**: Generally open, but wary of rogues. More accepting of kittypets.

### Shadowclan
- **Trusts**: None
- **Neutral**: Thunderclan and Windclan (almost enemies)
- **Enemies**: Riverclan
- **Attitude Toward Outsiders**: Ignores them unless they trespass, then they become enemies.

### Riverclan
- **Trusts**: Thunderclan
- **Neutral**: None
- **Enemies**: Windclan and Shadowclan
- **Attitude Toward Outsiders**: Tolerates them as long as they don't cross boundaries.

### Windclan
- **Trusts**: None
- **Neutral**: Shadowclan
- **Enemies**: Thunderclan and Riverclan
- **Attitude Toward Outsiders**: Strongly dislikes outsiders and tends to drive them away.

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