Chapter 7

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Fin was stupid, but Fin was also smart.

Natty watched as he cut himself free and grabbed the sword carefully. He signaled for her to turn around and she did. He cut her free as Natty put the leather brown fedora her grandfather left for her and put it on.

"So, what do you plan on doing now?" She asked in a whisper.

Fin looked up at the men and shrugged. "Make it up as I go along. You don't have to be smart to fight. Creativity beats logic." He said firmly.

Natty gave a nod as she crawled to the back of the plain. She grabbed a parachute and put it on. Natty took a deep breath as she unlocked the door to the plane. She kicked the door open as she ran over to Fin.

He held the sword up and spun it around as the navigator jumped up and held a gun up.

"Why do you Americans bring gun's to sword fights?" Fin asked under his breath.

"He's not American!" Natty snapped.

"I know, but it's just the same thinking as an American." Her complained.

The Navigator shot and Fin angled the sword with the speed of light as the bullet bounced off of the sword.

"Not my first sword fight mate." Fin said with a smile.

British, rich, can fly a plane, could drink six Jonny Walkers, and can fight with a sword the next day. Who was this guy?!

The navigator grabbed a sword and charged at Fin as Natty ran up to the cockpit. She pulled her whip out and whipped the head of the pilot as he let go and turned to her. Natty pulled out the pistol she had found at the bar and shot.

The pilot fell to ten ground as Natty grabbed the yoke of the plane.

She sat there for a second as her eyes widened. She didn't know how to fly a plane.

"TOLD YOU!" Fin shouted. "YOU BROUGHT A GUN!" He told her.

Natty rolled her eyes and tried to keep the plane as steady as one could— who of course didn't know how to fly a plane.

She looked back as Fin was in an all out sword fight. He slammed his sword around as the navigator blocked his attack.

Seriously how did he do that?!

"CRASH THE PLANE!" Fin yelled.


Fin jumped up and slammed the back of his sword around and hit the navigator in the head.


Natty looked around at the hundreds of buttons. The clinging of swords continued as her heart pounded. Was there a button to crash the plane?! She was an archeologist, not a pilot.


Natty let go of the yoke and turned around.


Natty felt her body lift off the ground. The plane was crashing. Well, she did it.

Natty used the ceiling of the plane and made her way to the door as somehow Fin still fought the navigator with his sword. Natty grabbed a parachute and threw it at the navigator and hit him in the head. Fin grabbed the shoot and slammed his sword through the man's gut.

Natty turned away and grabbed her hat and jumped into the desert below.

Fin's eyes widened as he made his way to the door. His heart beated quickly in his chest as he looked down.

"I can not believe I'm doing this for you."

Fin took a deep breath and jumped.

Indiana Jones and the Lost Kingdom of Kush// Book 1Where stories live. Discover now