New life

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I was still running though the thick forest. It started raining about 1 hour ago, and now I was all wet.

After about an hour, I saw a small settlement. By the time I got there, I was sweaty and gasping for air. Dawn was already beginning, and the rain was almost over. My head was very dizzy and I was completely cold. My vision began to darken and become blurry, and my legs began to feel like cotton wool. Soon I lost consciousness from overwork and hypothermia. I could only hope that they would take me somewhere and not give me back to where I spent 10 years of my life ...

Fumiko's dream

"Mom? What are you doing mommy? Where are we going?"

"Fumiko, you probably thinking about what are we doing? Well, we're changing the house, so they won't find us, utleast I hope so"

'I was watching this moment, the day before they came, hell came'
' I wanted to help my mom and myself, but I couldn't move, something , or someone was holding me up. I also couldn't scream or talk , my mouth wasn't moving at all. I see end like I was like a spirit, or a ghost.'

Knock knock*

"Fumiko, my little baby don't scream, please stay silent."

Door collapsed *

Bang , bang, bang*

'Blood was everywhere, little me was already taken from the house and now they were making me fall into deep sleep. I stayed as if I could make any sound, I would've stayed silent. Tears stared running down my cheeks, I wanted to scream, and cry aloud, but I couldn't

I was just wishing that my mother was buried along with my father. I decided to go, or correctly, fly to myself , but baby and look what happened next.'

"Cmon , let's go faster to the car , so we could end this faster and return to the work"-said unknown

"Boss, she's heavy , I can't go faster!" - another unknown replied

" alright, give her to me , u weakly."- unknown said wit loud voice

' then I was taken by the car, it was all black. I think the drive took around 2 hours . When we finally arrived, I saw something that looked alike a prison or whatever. Unknown walked , and pressed some buttons and there was also a scanner of a hand. When t
He did some actions, the door finally closed'

' then the floor under me vanished and I was now falling into the abyss'

End of Fumiko's dream

I slowly began to come to my senses, but my eyelids were heavy for me to open. I heard that there were people around me, or rather children? I felt that I was lying on the bed, but it was quite cold around. I was finally able to open my eyes, and I immediately closed them, because it was very light.

"it's morning already? day? I remember that when I lost consciousness it was a dawn"

When I was finally able to open my eyes, they slowly began to adjust to the bright light.  I realized that I was lying on the bed under the covers.  This place was like an orphanage perhaps?  There were a lot of people around me: kids, children, teenagers and, as I soon realized, a watching adult

After a couple of minutes, the woman noticed how I woke up and came up to me:
"Are you already awake?  How are you feeling?  We found you unconscious in the rain and I brought you here.  I gave you painkillers because I saw a couple of deep cuts."

"Thank you very much miss, my name is Fumiko , Fumiko Chikafuji."

" that's good to know , young chikafuji, you can cal me Ito"- she replied

" Aaah, you can call me just fumiko, or fumi "

"Alright Fumi, how is you feeling"

"If I tell her that I escaped from the laboratory, she'll definitely call them , and I will be punished for not behaving good. Shitshitshit what do I dooo??"

"Fumi? Are you okay? U look scared."

" Ahhh I'm sorry, I was just zoned out. And yes I feel good, thanks for your concern Ito- San!"

" May I ask where are your parents?"

" Uhh, I don't have any.."   " good this is the only thing I could've said! Great fumiko!!"

" Ah I'm so sorry to hear that! ' she bowed and continued her sentence'

"Would you like to join our orphanage?"


Guys I'm sorry that I can't upload any longer chapters!! I'm still trying tho!

Please correct me if there are any mistakes!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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