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Hey, let me give you a little background about myself. My name is Adam and I'm 12 years old. Today is my first day at Cool Kids Middle School, which is a private school. Living with my single mom, she makes decent money, but there's no way she could afford the tuition. Luckily, I received a scholarship.

This school is known as the best in our area, and I've heard the food is really good. They say you can get anything you want to eat. But enough about that, let's get to the story.

It's 7:30 in the morning, and I'm sitting in the living room. My mom comes in and gives me breakfast. She tells me how proud she is of me for getting a scholarship to this school. She has to go to work, so she reminds me that the school bus will be here at 8. I finish eating and watch a cartoon, when suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. I go and answer it, and there's a man in a suit standing there.

"Hi Adam, I'm here to take you to school," he says, handing me his school ID card. I quickly grab my backpack and put on my shoes. Glancing at the clock, I realize it's 7:59. I think to myself, "Well, I've never had a bus driver come to the door before." I step outside and see a limousine waiting. The guy opens the door for me, and I get in. He shuts the door and walks to the front to drive.

"I'm your driver and also your chef. What would you like for lunch?" he asks.

I reply, "Well, I'd like a beef steak and fries." I know I might be told to pick something else, but I give it a shot anyway.

"Okay, so do you want a sirloin steak or a prime rib steak?" he asks.

I think for a moment and say, "Um, sirloin."

He nods and asks, "6oz or 10oz?"

I guess, "I'll go with 10oz."

He smiles and asks, "Do you want any gravy with the fries?"

I eagerly respond, "Yes, please."

He says, "Alright, Adam."

We arrive in front of the school, and the guy gets out to open my door. He tells me to follow him, and I do. We enter the office, where the principal is waiting.

"Hi Adam, come with me. You're not in trouble, I just like to meet new students on their first day," she says.

We walk into her office, and she asks, "So, how do you like the school so far?"

I reply, "I love it!"

She then surprises me by saying, "Adam, there's just one thing. At this school, you have to wear diapers. It can be pull-ups or tape-on diapers. What do you prefer?"

Thinking she's joking, I play along and say, "Pull-ups."

To my surprise, she pulls out a pack of pull-ups and puts it on my lap. She tells me where the changing rooms are and hands me my locker number. I feel nervous but also excited because I've always wanted to try a pull-up. I walk down the hallway and see two rooms - one labeled "Changing Room" and the other labeled "Self Change Room." I choose the self-change room, lock the door, and pull down my pants and underwear. I slip on the pull-up, put my underwear and pants back on, and it feels amazing.

I open the door and walk into the hallway, heading towards my locker. I put the bag of pull-ups and my backpack inside. Just as the bell rings, I make my way to class and take a seat. The teacher walks in, and as she bends down to pick something up, I notice she's wearing a diaper. Soon, other kids start walking in, some only wearing a diaper and a shirt.

A kid sits next to me and introduces himself as Ethan. I say hi and tell him my name is Adam. He asks how old I am, and I reply, "12." He tells me he's 11.

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